The father and her have a FWB situation and have known each other for a year. The father is an ex-coworker of mine, and I was the one who introduced them. My friend recently announced she’s pregnant, but he doesn’t want kids. He hasn’t told her this yet. Instead, he wants me to and to convince her to get an abortion. He thinks because I know her better than him that it would be easier for me to tell her, and she would be more inclined to listen to me.

I believe this is his responsibility but he’s begging me to do it. I know my friend wants to keep and is hoping for a real relationship. What should I do?

TL;DR My friend is pregnant, and the father wants her to get an abortion but wants me to tell her because I’m closer to her.

  1. I’m sure he’d love it if you paid his child support too.

    This isn’t your problem. Tell him no.

  2. What? NO. Do not do his dirty work, because all that’s gonna do is make sure your friend never trusts you again.

  3. Maybe tell her so she knows what kind of cowardly loser she’s wanting a kid/relationship with.

  4. You and your friend are fucking the same guy? That seems like it would cause more problems any man on this earth is worth.

  5. >is hoping for a real relationship.

    You might want to tell her that he’s clearly expressed that, no matter what, a relationship is out of the question. If she decides to have the baby, she *will* be a single mother. She needs to be disabused of any notions to the contrary and fully grasp that fact before it’s too late to do anything about it.

  6. Dude is 36 and can’t open his mouth and tell the woman he impregnated the truth?

    And you, at 28, is here asking this like it’s middle school and some boy said he doesn’t want to kiss your friend again.

    You people need to get it together, you’re *adults*. Jesus.

  7. I think this is not your responsibility in any way. However, if it doesn’t look like he’s going to tell her, you should tell her what he said to you. She needs to be able to make a fully informed decision.

  8. It definetely isn’t your responsability to do his dirty work, even thou he is too much of acoward to speak his mind, but on the other hand, specially if you consider yourself a good friend of hers, it is within your role to ask her, are you sure you want to have a child with a person such as him, who can’t even speak his mind openly?. Make your own assesment based on your own personal views.

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