Hi everyone, I’m new to dating after a relationship.

I recently started seeing a guy, we’re 6 dates in. I finally slept with him over the weekend and noticed the past couple of days he’s taken a bit longer to respond, even though he reached out first. He took me to breakfast the next morning as well.

He’s initiated all conversations about past relationships, future goals and made it clear he wanted a relationship. He’s spent a lot of money on me and won’t accept any offers to split. He even was willing to meet a friend. He’s been sweet on dates, wanting me to be comfortable, kissing my head, etc.

Up until him taking a little longer to respond, every single friend who knew about him said it seemed he was super interested. What’s going on? Am I overthinking?

  1. You’re overthinking….nothing about any of that sounds like a red flag. Of course this is Reddit and you’ll hear the opposite. If you don’t hear back in a day text him and ask him to hang out again….then you’ll know where you stand. If he ignores or says he’s busy…Move on to bigger and better things (or men) in life.

  2. You are at the very beginning stages of a relationship. It can go either way at this point. People lose interest very quickly. Advice is to stay patient and try to engage with him as much as possible. Keep offering to pay. Insist on it because he may think that it is too much for him and there is pressure on men to pay.

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