It’s the weekend and I want to be going out to have fun with friends but instead I’ll just be sitting home alone yet again.

I try to keep myself active and busy with hobbies/interests but need social time too. I’m always the one reaching out to checking in on people or planning something fun. The issue is most of the time I’ll be ignored or rejected. People are just too busy for me. They have families to take care of, travel plans or whatever else is going on.

It can be months before I even get to hear my friends voice or spend any quality time with them. It hurts and makes me feel incredibly lonely.

How do you deal with loneliness?

1 comment
  1. You need to go out and meet new people. Make new friends. I bump into co workers and customers all the time going out by myself. You never know who you will meet while having a beer at the bar. Met some pretty cool people that way

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