So this guy and I have been talking for awhile and we talk everyday but convos spaced out sometimes even replying 8 hours later but we have good convos. They’re rlly long chats too and I thought he doesn’t care about me but he remembers stuff I said or things he told me about. He also comments saying I look good or sexy and he asked me to watch a movie with him and last year he asked me to go out with him and study as well. But then recently he’s not asked again after our movie date even tho I felt like we had some tension between us during the movie. He’s always been a little awkward so idk tho. Now a few days later I find out he is dating someone but it’s LDR and he did not tell me this but I found from some online snooping nowadays ppl don’t disclose that and he did not tell me straight up but idk if they are still tgt or it’s complicated or wtv and how do I ask like “hey you got a gf?” After we’ve been talking for so long…. Goshhh this is my fault isn’t it I shldve asked a long time ago instead of waiting for him to say it out to me

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