I’ve (19m) never seen the movie.

Last night we were out really late and had a great night, when we both went home we kept texting until like 3 am before going to sleep. She (22f) said I give off intense Wall-e energy. I didn’t think about it much, and fell asleep soon after. But now I’m looking over it and have no idea what’s that’s supposed to mean. Is that good? Bad? I honestly don’t know. Didn’t even hear about the movie until she said that.

TLDR: See above.

  1. I’d say it’s a good thing, Wall-E was a charming little robot. Sweet and good natured, curious and funny

  2. Not seen it, but from the comments I assume she thinks you’re “cute” “adorable ” bro, babies and puppies are adorable and cute… you’re a man, even though she’s older than, you need to earn her respect, cute wears off quick, earn your respect fella

  3. Personally, I love that movie SO much, but idk.

    Wall-E is a little robot with a beautiful soul who falls in love with a female robot who’s pretty much superior in every single way.

    He is VERY thoughtful though, so maybe it’s a good sign? Lol

  4. Uh.. I’ve never seen the movie either but he’s in my game I’m playing 😂 he comes off as shy, barely talks (doesn’t speak in human language, just his name, since he’s a robot I guess), useful in certain aspects, but seems kinda idk.. strange. Always wanting/waiting for approval??

  5. I hate that your TL;DR was basically to just read it all anyway. Do you not know what TL;DR stands for? 😂

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