I’ve heard many people say that the guy should or both should split the bill.

What do you think?

  1. In theory, according to non-hypocritical feminism, it should be split both ways, because that’s true equality. But in practice, I’d recommend the guy just pay for it all, because let’s be real, if they guy doesn’t pay for everything, he’s not going on a second date and/or getting laid.

  2. My boyfriend and I operated on the same idea when we first started dating. Whoever invites the other is the one to pay. He asked me to dinner, he paid. I asked him to a movie, I paid. Now we split things 50/50.

  3. I was always of the notion on the first date it should be separate checks (you pay for your thing I pay for mine)

    According to my brother’s friend however, “it depends where you are in life”

  4. As a guy I’ll pay for the first date, it’s not worth the awkwardness of making a deal of it but happy to split if the other person insists. After first date it’s 50/50

  5. It really depends I guess. Financial situation, how you were taught, societal influences…I’ve seen like 4 different answers in the comments so far!

    If we are talking first date. If it’s a dinner I pay ahead of time usually…if the restaurant allows.

    I call to make a reservation, put my card on file, tell them to just put a 50%-75% tip on the bill and never bring a check to the table. My dad taught me that and it’s served me very well!

  6. We have to be careful with this word “should” as if there’s a set rule everyone’s agreed to. That’s why this part is confusing people. They wanna assume there’s a person who’s preset to pay without confirming it with the other person.

    What we “should” do is ask the person we’re going out with how’d they’d like to handle the bill.

  7. I think it’s up to the two people going on the date to decide who pays. Different relationships have different dynamics

  8. in practice I would probably pay, because I have a well paying job and it would make me feel like a big man

    in theory I think it should be split, but I’m willing to reinforce harmful gender stereotypes when it’s convenient for me because deep down I don’t really care about political ideals and I just want to have a good time while I’m alive

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