This is going to be long so I apologize in advance. I had post on here a while ago about my wife and I deciding that we would like to try to work things out and see how things went. Well, I don’t think that they’re going that great because we’ve come to the conclusion that for now there’s going to be no touch no romance and we’re going to just be friends and see how that helps us grow and if that helps my wife with the feelings that she has towards me because of the way that I treated her when I refuse to get help. She keeps telling me that I’m doing everything perfect and right and then I’m doing so good and that everything that’s an issue in our relationship has to do with our intimacy and those issues come from something that I did and didn’t realize that I was doing and I am incredibly ashamed and sorrowful and I wish that I could take everything back because I didn’t realize what I was doing at the time. I’m not making excuses for what I did or anything like that and I completely understand why she’s having issues, she still says that she wants to try to go to couples counseling. I really still want to keep trying because I love her and I love my daughter and I really want to give them the family that I promise I would give them when her and I got married. But I can’t do anything about anything more than what I’m already doing, she’s mean that really clear that it’s her issue that she’s trying to work through. I just I really hope things get better. Thank you all for letting me vent, I really appreciate this community you’ve been very supportive.

1 comment
  1. And couples councelling? Is that not something you can commit to? When you say you can’t do more? Do you mean you won’t go to couples counselling? Because that is tantamount to saying you’re still refusing to get help.

    It sounds like she’s still working through whatever you’ve done. I wouldn’t expect intimacy to come back swiftly.

    That’s she’s giving you any positive feedback, is really encouraging. Some partners don’t even give that, because they fear it sends an “all clear” message before that’s actually true.

    I think you’re wife asking about couples therapy is her way of telling you there’s more to work on, for both of you, together. Couples therapy is likely the thing that will help you both get back on track, if that is possible.

    Good luck!

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