A friend of mine is an irresponsible texter. He replies usually late, sometimes within hours and sometimes within 2 or 3 days. He just does not open the texts if he does not feel like talking or as per his convenience and mood. Sometimes, he also does not open the chat for several days unless I double text him. Do you think he is uninterested in talking to me if he behaves in such a way or it is just not a big deal and I am overthinking it?

  1. IMHO it’s no big deal, and you shouldn’t overthink it.

    I’m just like him, often take days to reply to a text. Could be for lots of reasons. Sometimes I turn my phone off for 24+ hours. Sometimes I don’t have the social energy. Some people just are that way.

  2. Texting is a great way to get important information/details/questions to someone. If you’re just saying “hey” or whatever, what’s the rush?

  3. he’s just trying to live his life in peace, you cant expect people to be glued to their phones and always available… he doesnt owe you anything you know. I’m the same as him

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