So we met a few days ago on FB dating and TBH i completely forget i even had it. My phone dings and she sends me a message saying she really liked the vibe on my profile and wanted to talk. I honestly just said “eh why not. Its not a like im asking the woman out”. I honestly didnt read her profile much (bc there wasnt much on there) and it didnt say her age anyways

Over the last few days weve talked almost all day each day (which i usually dont like, i generally just reply when im in the mood)…but it turned out we have ALOT in common. We have the same fundamental views on life, spirituality, mental health and even crack jokes and send tik toks to each other.

Yesterday we both talked about what we were looking (everyone is on the app for some reason of another) she said shes never been a party girl or liked going out. Plus shes a nurse who works night shift so she doesnt really enjoy high energy environments bc her job is high energy enough and that can be a little odd for most 22 years olds….thats when i found out her age. She continued that shes a demisexual and truly enjoys deep and personal connection, also that maturity and emotional intelligence is a huge turn on to her. The topic changed to what our goals, dreams and aspirations in life are and also how we both are living our passion in our careers and really spent almost the whole night talking

I usually only date someone 4 years older or younger but i figured “eh, what the hell. Its a date, not marriage.” The date is tomorrow and she told me she LOVES To play chess and icecream….so im taking her to an icecream shop that makes ice cream art (its pretty cool) and i bought a small chess board and a card game (the game is supposed to ask each other deep but connecting questions and it seemed right up our alley).

She seems really cool and she mentioned how she really liked talking to me. I told her I liked talking to her also (but its literally not even a full week yet so im not getting my hopes up) ….but i guess the concern with the age gap is that your early 20s are MAJOR moments of change and you change CONSTANTLY. I was DEFINITELY not the same man at 22 as i was when i was 25 and even more so at 28

So im curious if its even worth looking at or entertaining bc theres a huge mindset difference between your early vs late 20s

1 comment
  1. just go with an open mind. you might find you are compatibile, or if not maybe she may become a friend. just go and have fun with no expectations and see how it turns out.

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