I’m travelling to the north east of the US in late September next year. Wondering if the autumn colours are out now or if I should push into early October. Thanks for your input!

  1. It feels like it but doesn’t look it quite yet. I’m huddled under all my blankets rn. I’ll bring shame to my ancestors if I turn the heat on before October though.

  2. There are leaf peeper websites that give you an idea of when things are changing.

    In NY, ADK is starting, Finger lakes region is starting. I’m in WNY, and I’m seeing some start, but not much. Definitely a few more weeks until peak.

    That being said, it changes regularly based on temps and rainfall.

  3. It is only just starting to both feel and look like it. Leaves are only just changing, barely, but it’s still mostly green. I think I’ve only seen one branch of not green leaves in my yard so far.

  4. Depends SO much on where you are going. JUST starting to be fall in my area in Mass but you can really see some good color North.

    If it were me (and this is after decades of leaf peeping) I would not push it to past the first week of Oct. Lots of people use Columbus day as the guide for peak – but I feel like a few days after peak is way worse than a week before.

    If you plop yourself about mid Vermont in the first week of October it would be hard to go wrong. If you are a tad early you just adjust your drives and go North. Tad late — head South for your drive. You only need to drive about an hour to see a big difference – also trees around lakes, and rivers, etc go first.

  5. Lmao no. It was nearly a hundred degrees here two days ago. It won’t start looking like Fall until at least October

  6. It’s starting to turn so pretty! I can feel it COMING!! That slight cold crisp is in the air. The power of fall is flowing through my veins!!! Ahhhhh!!!

    But!.. I’m not Northeast 🤷🏽‍♀️

  7. Yes. It’s been chilly out (50ish) and the leaves are starting to turn. Apple and cinnamon and pumpkin are everywhere. A lot of people broke out their fall boots and hats and sweaters this past week.

    If you’re coming to visit I’d probably push it further into October, though. There are only a few hints of red and orange.

  8. Its more of a feel at this point than a look. IT is getting cooler out and less humid. But by cooler , I mean like…high of 65 or 70 rather than 85 or 90.

    Some leaves are changing color, but its mostly pretty subtle

  9. try typing in the state you’re visiting + fall leaf tracker (or something like that) on Google. many states have them. [this is the one for my state](https://www.travelwisconsin.com/fall-color-report) as an example, but I’m in the upper midwest, not the northeast. our leaves are juuuuust starting to show fall colors. it makes me so happy.

  10. There are maps that show you when the peak colors hit. It’s earlier the farther north you go. Here in Pennsylvania the trees have barely started changing, it’ll be another month before it’s really going full tilt. Today was the first day of the year that even felt like it might be fall (it was like 55-60 degrees most of the day)


  11. No, a few leaves were just barely beginning to change, however nights are supposed to be pretty cold for a bit and the days should be fairly mild temps so the fall leaves should probably begin in earnest

  12. In the Philly/NJ area, it still looks like summer with a handful of trees changing color. Early October is better for you imo. Leaves are starting to change on some trees now, mostly north of New York, but it’ll be more glorious in early October.

  13. No. I have some leaves on the ground because my pin oak is not in the best of shape, but the colors have not turned yet and won’t for another month.

  14. No but yesterday was the first day of autumn in New York.

    (According to my not-science opinion)

    The day started warm.. then it rained.. then it was cold for the afternoon.. and long sleeves today.

    A couple more weeks for the fall color

  15. Not yet. Some leaves have started falling, but it hasn’t really started to turn yet in Middle Tennessee

  16. Ohio River Valley (Cincinnati-ish) here.

    The weather just turned this week.

    Noticed the leaves starting.last week.

    Leaf drop is complete mid to end November here.

    Does it look like Autumn yet?


    But it will in 3 to 4 weeks

  17. Right now even the northern tips of Maine are still green. Give it a few weeks. Mid october is when you start to see it ramp up

  18. The leaves are not quite in full effect yet here in New England, but there is a smattering of fall colors. I would suggest pushing your trip to early october (unless you want to go to the Big E)

  19. I live in chicago. Leaves have definitely started falling off the trees, but there aren’t any yellows or oranges yet. Still a summery green.

  20. Look, no. As of this weekend it feels like autumn. This is the first time I’ve seen/felt a temp in the 50s since maybe March.

  21. It’s definitely starting to feel like fall but it will probably be a few more weeks until the leaves start changing color.

  22. In Maine the trees are just starting to turn and this evening was the first really “crisp” fall night we have had. A little windy and high 40s when I got home and stepped out of the car. I thought “oh it feels like fall.”

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