I know there is nothing wrong in being single and that it shouldn’t make me feel lonely, but I’m a 26 year-old woman who’s never been a real relationship before but with a lot of failed talking stages.

When I was younger, getting in a relationship never really bothered me that much and I was the ‘wait for the right one’ kind of person. But I guess you really come to an age where you start to get anxious about not being in a relationship. The failed talking stages the past 2 years also made me question if something is wrong with me.

I mean probably. There is always something everyone can improve on, for sure, and this is the best time to focus and get to know myself more, enjoy being alone (like everyone would always suggest).

However, I can’t brush off the lonely feeling and I always wish of having someone. I have amazing family and friends, I also try my best to focus on work and other stuff, but it just keeps crossing on my mind. Sometimes, it makes me feel that it’s the only lacking thing in my life and it would really make me happy if I find someone.

I know that’s not true though that my a great part of my happiness will solely rely in having a relationship. I know I should be happy and complete even on my own, but still, I can’t shake this feeling and I don’t know what to do anymore. Help 🥲

  1. At the risk of using a sports analogy…. no one hits a home run their first time at bat. Quit focusing on this huge ultimate relationship and just go on some dates. Make some mistakes, say some dumb shit, figure out what you really want. No one meets an amazing person immediately. You just need to get out there and take a few swings.

  2. I was and still am in that same situation, started feeling that at like 26ish and I’m 28 now. Obviously COVID didn’t help, but I went ahead and started downloading some apps, Hinge being the most successful for me, and started to put myself out there. Honestly, it’s the small things now that you can do to get better at making conversation and even going out on dates to see what you like and don’t like in a partner. I’m still trying to figure it out, but it’s enjoyable meeting new people and learning from mistakes.

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