How do I practice giving her head?

I was told to use papayas but I had to settle for oranges because I literally cannot find one for the life of me, and my means of transportation are really restricted.

Any suggestions? I’ve also been thinking of maybe trying to find something on Amazon but I can’t rlly find anything that would help me get better at head.

  1. Just do it and ask what she likes and how she likes when you do what you’re doing. Be creative with your tongue and lips.

  2. You can practice on your hand, which will give you more sensory feedback because you can feel it. Don’t bother with fruit, they can’t tell you anything and it won’t be the same as a real vulva at all

  3. Am I the only one that thinks that you should be practicing with your gf?

    Obviously a orange or papaya can’t give you feedback, and only your gf can tell you what she likes and how she likes it. Make a game or date night out of it.

  4. You have to learn what your lady specifically likes when receiving oral. There are differences from one lady to the next. Neither a papaya nor an orange can tell you what your lady likes. You have to practice with your lady. You have to ask her what she likes. Some ladies will know exactly what to tell you. Others are not sure themselves. Always follow whatever instructions your lady gives you.

  5. It’s different strokes for different folks. As a woman what I like is different from what another likes. It’s best to just talk to her and figure out what she’s enjoying

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