My boyfriend of 5 years has depression and anxiety and it is ongoing affecting me (I have anxiety) and our relationship. When is it enough? Is it possible for our relationship to be saved? Is it possible that he tries harder to improve himself? I am trying to improve myself – this week I have been listening to a success hotline, got a new therapist on Monday and had my psych appt yesterday because I have GAD (generalized anxiety disorder). I am fed up and drained with these ups and downs with my boyfriend. I hope to go to couples therapy first but I am afraid if that does work, then I feel confident to become engaged with him. I do not want to think About the other way around.

I do feel this relationship with My boyfriend of 5 years is unstable. I can be unstable too but I think he is more unstable and I feel like his depression and anxiety is making our relationship go nowhere. How can I marry someone who doesn’t have consequences to their actions by telling white lies to their boss because he overslept. I need someone who is more proactive and who is actually TRYING to improve themselves.

I just had a long talk with my mom about my own future in life.

Why do I attract guys with depression

It kills everything

And makes my life a living hell and nightmare and I don’t know i can deal with this for many many years. It creates chronic stress. And it’s not good for my own health and well-being. I wish life was normal with My boyfriend and we don’t have to talk about mental health and anxiety and depression.

I am afraid of losing him since we are together for 5 years but I feel this relationship and his own mental health is going nowhere.

I told him last night that because he has anxiety and depression (not just anxiety which I have), he has to TRY HARDER. I also told my boyfriend that I feel like he has a more negative mindset than me and he actually admits that he agrees with me. So what does that mean? HE HAS TO TRY HARDER FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. Sorry for this. I have been thinking and thank you for being there

1 comment
  1. The fact that this relationship has been like this for five years… yeah, it’s not going to change. He’s comfortable with being like this with you for way too long.

    Hate to say it, but this relationship might end up getting worse unless you have a serious talk with him about him going into therapy and getting help. If he refuses, he is not a man you will be able to feel safe with.

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