Is it something you want to do / have done? I was watching a doc about Japan where marriage is at a record low.

  1. I don’t think it’s important. I wouldn’t mind getting married, but I never want to have kids.

  2. I don’t view it as an item of importance, but instead personal preference. There’s nothing critical about being in a relationship or having children. Only if you feel like it..

  3. The growth in population is unsustainable. We’ll consume all our resources in the next generation or to at this rate.

    I’d say it’s important to not have kids.

    Edit: plus kids are gross assholes.

  4. Not so important that you have to do it, and do it early. But for me it was something I wanted.

    I do think if you plan to have kids you and the kids are better off in a two parent household. But this is not to say a single parent cannot succeed.

  5. Like, personally? Not at all. Growing up in a family of single mothers, marriage and a 2 parent household really isn’t something I care much about having

    I honestly can’t imagine getting married and as for kids, I don’t see any personal good reason to have any.

    Truly, neither really fit into the whole “life plan” I’ve mapped out for myself.

  6. Getting married then having children are the two things that bring me the most joy and fulfillment. I hope as many people as possible get to experience making a family with their spouse whom they love.

  7. In the US it has been proven through several studies that having a stable long-term partner is a one of the most surefire ways to climb the socioeconomic ladder. It’s also one of the best predictors of happiness and success in life.

    Financially speaking, I think its very important to have a long-term partner.

    Kids, on the other hand, is increasingly becoming a more difficult choice to make. Personally, I don’t feel the need to have kids and I think a lot of people my age (30+) share that sentiment

  8. Not at all important for me. Never married and at my age (50s) I wouldn’t want to start a family.

  9. Considering I did both already I think it was a priority.

    Considering I gave up a couple jobs to move for my wife’s work I would say high priority.

    Considering I love dealing with all the BS that comes with two kiddos I would say I must either be an insane person or have really wanted this, or both.

  10. I wanna gave kids with the right person and stay with them. If we get married cool, if not cool we do a long term relationship

  11. It’s semi important to me. Already married, just trying to get our ducks in a row to start having kids

  12. I have two siblings and they each have four children. Regardless of their choices I’m fine with not having kids. There’s sometimes ballot measures to vote on for the support of children or families and I vote yes.

  13. I think it’s important to not marry and start a family. There are too many humans on this planet, we are overrunning every corner of it and destroying it.

  14. I just got married at 40. My wife is 34. It didn’t make sense until now. There were two other women I considered marrying, but they both probably would have ended in divorces, and I knew it.

    But here’s why this works. First, we didn’t marry for sex. As a 40 year old my libido is lower than it was at any point before, which is actually a good thing. Before marriage I probably had sex with 50-100 women. Until I got all of that out my system it wouldn’t have worked.

    Her weaknesses are some of my greatest strengths and my weaknesses are her greatest strengths. I am not worried at all about the future. Even if the worst case scenario happens to me professionally, she would help me grow my businesses so I would never have to find a job again. If she couldn’t work her businesses, I could easily get her situated in my own industry and get her the higher degrees she would otherwise do if she weren’t working so much and making fantastic money.

    We also both want kids, but wouldn’t be destroyed if it didn’t happen.

  15. I was ambivalent about both, ended up with both. I’m glad they happened since I like both my husband and my son but if they hadn’t it wouldn’t have been a problem, either.

  16. I’m Japanese born American. I feel like the issue for my Japanese friends is less about wanting to get married, but more so about finding a decent partner. The guys seem to fantasize of a partner who does traditional housework and childcare, but can’t afford that lifestyle. The girls fantasize about the same traditional scenario, but seem to know better than to jump in and get trapped with the working housewife scenario that alot of us saw our mothers in.

  17. Yeah, marriage and kids are definitely on the agenda. More than one too, I was an only child.

    …kids, not marriages. Hopefully.

  18. I’ve done it.

    I was on the fence about kids for a long time, til I got pregnant.

    I wouldn’t say it was important – it’s really up to each person and how they want to live their life. I could have been equally happy as a single person without kids if the opportunity to marry had never happened.

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