Not everyone can be prioritized in the top 5, top 10, or even top 20 people in your life. How do you prioritize them?

  1. I just go by people who put in the same effort you do to maintain the friendship/ relationship. So if I show effort and you don’t, then you arent prioritized and vise versa.

  2. A combination between who reciprocates the effort in a relationship, who makes me feel good, and who might need me right now? It’s always changing I’d say.

  3. People I would take a bullet for, no questions asked: Parents, brother, partner.

    People I would not take a bullet for, or if so, with questions asked and probably not anywhere fatal: Everyone else.

  4. I’m a mom and a wife. My son and my husband come first.

    I’m a twin. My twin is a priority too.

    After that, it’s a question of who I’m closest to, who has helped me in the past, who I want to be around, and who I want to prioritize. (Read: Friends and Little Bro, acquaintances, Mean Aunt)

  5. I prioritize those who also prioritize me. I spent too much time trying to push myself into inner circles of people who didn’t want me there. Once I started doing my own thing, it all changed.

  6. People who respect you and uplift you. Cheer you on in all aspects of your life and help you be a better version of yourself and grow. If someone is stunting your mental, emotional, or physical growth, you need to remove them from your life

  7. I would evaluate the relationship/friendship and determine if that person is adding something of value to my life whether it be emotional support, a workout buddy to help me stay disciplined, etc. I want to make sure the people that I surround myself around can help with my self growth and that I can do the same for them, and just add to each other’s lives in general.

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