I’m beginning to resent my (F24) long distance boyfriend (M24), every time I’m on FaceTime he’ll suddenly say he wants to masturbate and demands I strip off for him and show him my boobs etc, sometimes at inconvenient times like if I’m working from home. If I say no he starts being nasty and acting pissed off

  1. Tell him no. You can say no to sex in a relationship. You dont have to explain yourself either.

  2. Tell him, in no uncertain terms, that your answer is “No”, and that he shouldn’t ask you again. If he does ask again, I think you should find a new boyfriend. If he wants to keep you in his life he needs to respect that. If he can’t or won’t, he only cares about what you can do for him, not who and what you are. Don’t let his “nasty behavior and pissed-off attitude.” guilt trip you either.

  3. He’s a dick, he should never make you uncomfortable and he should ask you about your opinion. If you haven’t yet just tell him he’s making your opinion seem worthless and it’s not making you happy

  4. Well I guess it’s cheaper if you do it than him calling one of those 0900-numbers. Tell him to shove it and hang up next time he asks again.

  5. Tell him if he continues this childish behavior, your done. If he still acts like a 8yo after the wakeup call, maybe just get rid of him.

  6. Sounds like you’re his personal OF girl, not a gf.

    The benefit is that it’s long distance, so block his ass and get you someone that you can actually visit with, fully clothed.

  7. You’re not his long distance girlfriend.
    You’re his cam girl on demand.

    Block him. When he emails you, block those email addresses. Block, block, and block. The fact that you say you’ve tried to block him before and he just finds a way around makes it pretty clear you don’t want to be with him.

  8. If you’re with someone who acts entitled to sex when you don’t want to do it and gets angry when you say no, then you’re with someone abusive. You need to end it.

  9. Next time he gets pissed you won’t out a show on for him, hang up. You are never required to do that, even if he gets mad.

  10. Ugh. I broke up with a boyfriend because of that. All he wanted was nude photos/videos and I started to get uncomfortable after awhile. He had the “I turn on all girls mentality” so that made it even worse. Don’t make the same mistake I did and drag it out. It’s better to end it right away. Don’t let him guilt trip you.

  11. There’s an easy solution. Hang up the FaceTime call whenever he gets like this. Luckily, he’s long distance, so you can start planning life without a mean, demanding jerk who puts his sexual gratification above your work and comfort.

  12. Hi. 46m here. He’s a creep. He’s using you. Even if you were married and lived together, you could say no to this request. You could even say that he is to never make this request of you again.

    Why do people do long distance relationships? You don’t have to be in a relationship.

    I’m not talking about a deployments or temporary overseas jobs when you already have an established relationship, but if there is no one in your area, either stay single or leave your area.

  13. Don’t let him use you for sexual gratification.. no means No and there shouldn’t be any tension about you saying no. He isn’t the one for you ✌️there’s plenty of other men who will treat you with respect

  14. Don’t walk ,run away from this dude.
    This early toxic selfish behavior is a huge red flag.

    Just look at it like this, if he’s this bad over face time how do you think he’d be if you lived with him.

  15. I just broke up with someone like this, we couldn’t even have a conversation on the phone without him trying to make it phone sex. It’s exhausting. Dump him, block him on everything, if he continues to harass you contact the police. You’re not his very own (unpaid) sex worker, believe me once you get rid of him you’ll wonder why you put up with it for so long!

  16. First off, people in any kind of consensual relationship have the right to refuse sex. If there is no enthusiastic yes, there is no consent. You don’t have to explain yourself either.
    Secondly, you have to learn to accept disappointment and negative reactions when you say no, or set up any boundary. You shouldn’t care more about him getting angry and nasty than about your feelings and desires.

    I am telling you all this for your future relationships, because this one is done. You need to dump him and block him. As others have suggested there are ways for him to stay blocked or for you not to be bothered by him. Use them all. And when it’s done go to therapy if you can afford it. You need to build up your self esteem so that you’re not vulnerable to abuse ever again.

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