im currently on my period and i’m going to be staying over at my girlfriend’s place for the first time over the weekend, my period should gone by then but it’s well known that after menstruating your vagina is going to have a metallic taste and i’m worried that she’ll want to go down on me and it’ll end up disappointing her, is there anything i can do to prevent tasting like coins on our first night together?

  1. I’m not sure how fast it works, but I’ve been taking maca root at the rec of a poster here and it’s reducing that post period spotting/taste,

    Otherwise maybe douche? I’ve never tried that but it may clean you out good? …

    Or use a vibrator and have some good internal orgasms tonight? That can shake the last bit loose 😝

  2. Here’s my advice: bring some baby wipes and wipe up your vulva real good. If you can, shower at her house and use lots of warm water. I’m back and forth on soap because soap can alter your pH, but I mean, I shave my bits using a soapy lather and I think I turned out okay.

    When you get wet, it will “water down” the stronger taste of your vulva. Additionally, using lots of lube and spit will also take care of that. Drink lots of water, as staying hydrated means the the strong odor will be less concentrated. Have fun!

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