I say “I don’t owe anyone anything.” He says. “Yes, you do.”

I say “I don’t have to anything I don’t want to.” He says. “Yes, you do.”

I say “I don’t feel like I have to please anyone.” He says. “Yes, you do.”

I say. “My friend said can do whatever I want.” He groans and squirms.

I asked my friend in front of him. “Would you force anyone to do anything?” He interjects. “Yes!!” My friend says. “No I wouldn’t.” The narcissist becomes mad at her for filling my head with her opinion.

He wanted control over me. He didn’t want me to have my own mind, opinion, motives. If it wasn’t his will or the outcome he wanted it was wrong. Desperate. If he couldn’t have me a la buena. He would have me a la mala.

He was sad that I didn’t like him a la buena but that didn’t stop him from wanting me. Even if it was by force he did not care. It was going to be he wanted one way or another.

  1. All stalkers aren’t bad … may be is secretly protecting from an unknown danger ! And you might actually owe him gratitude ! Who knows ! Stay positive !

  2. What is this a poem? If not just move 50 states away from that guy, or send him to the shadow realm

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