my ex (m18) and i (f19) broke up about 4 months ago. i was the one who let go, and i never got affiliated with anyone after the whole breakup. i did meet a lot of guys (like A LOT) but i told myself i wasn’t ready to commit to anyone so i let them go / we just stopped talking.

him, on the other hand, got into a talking stage with someone else that lasted for 2-3 months (after the breakup). they’re no longer talking now.

while they were in their talking stage, him and i stayed as friends who only spoke to each other once a month. we decided to remain as close friends, but not very close at that time.

i maintained a very good relationship with his mom despite her son and i being exes. his mom still thinks that i was the best one he’ll ever have. additionally, my ex tried introducing the new girl to her, in which she refused to meet her since “my trust is still in (me / my name).”.

i felt flattered, but sad.

anyways, i was the first person my ex messaged that him and the girl were no longer talking. i laughed at him and felt bad for him.

his mom is very happy that him and i are “talking” again, even if as friends. his mom wants to meet me in person either this year or early next year.

he did hurt me pretty badly when we were together, but i did miss him a lot. he knows it.

i asked him that if he wanted to try again, i said i was fine with it. he said that we should be patient, because if we try again quickly, he knows that we’ll both end up hurt again.

this week we’ve been talking every day, but not like 24/7 messages and updates? like very random conversations. not like we’re dating, but at the same time he randomly calls me from time to time? there are times when i can tell that he’s trying to be cold and distant, but the moment we start talking, he can’t stop himself from talking and being open.

he would randomly call me on viber and just video call me as he plays this game, and i would randomly catch him eyeing me. and when i catch him, he looks away.

earlier, i felt like i was a bit pushy. i was left on delivered for 7 hours, in which i was worried about him idek why? anyways, he called me when he sensed something was off with the way i messaged him, in which he says “this is my life, and yours is your yours. i can respond anytime i want and it isn’t my obligation to reply to you as soon as possible.” he has a point but i was hurt? but at the same time, seeing him active on social media and getting “ignored” for hours on end is extremely annoying. he knows i’m a bit annoyed when someone ignores my messages. well, he is “just a friend” for now so i shouldn’t really take it to heart.

he knows how to get me and i don’t know if he’s just playing. he “accidentally” calls me our old call sign. he flirts with me and he knows that it makes me feel all squirmy and happy. he knows me so fucking well and i hate it. he’s always got his eye on my social media, other day he asked me “you changed your profile picture right? how come your old one’s still here?” i changed my profile picture for a quick 2-3 minutes and switched it back to my old one because i didn’t like it.

what’s his deal? i feel like he likes me but he doesn’t like me and i don’t know what this is.

  1. Ask for clarity.

    If he likes you and you are willing to re-establish the relationship, go that route.

    If he doesn’t want to get into a relationship then set boundaries. I don’t call my female friends cute nicknames, or flirt with them. I joke and tease them like normal friends. This dude is either wanting to re-kindle or messing with your emotions because he doesn’t have a girl to talk to like that and you are an easy go to.

  2. Reading your post – how did he “he hurt me pretty badly” when you were together. Sound like a red flag

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