This is a life lesson that I learnt today.

Life is not fair and to expect/think that it should be is foolish at best.
– Good looking People will always do better than you
– Out going people will always have a more secure social life
– fit people will always be more respected and taken alot more seriously
– Lucky people won’t have to Hussle (even though they think they do – survivor bias)
– Bad human beings will also have it easy (coz they don’t care , they don’t feel guilty) easy for them to step over and get their way.

Don’t cry over any of this, don’t ever compare yourself to anyone. Don’t think about what people say. Don’t seek validation. Don’t justify.

You Do You!!!!!!

  1. And then here I am !
    I choose not to eat golgappa at one place and somebody wants to know the reason !

    Sometimes I start to question ! Am I really living entity or just a character in a larger than life drama !

  2. “Good looking people will always do better than you” = Not True. (necessarily)

    Yes, it’s an advantage like many other things, but there have definitely been people on this sub who were self-described as good looking and yet had difficulty making connections with people. And that made it all the more frustrating for them.

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