This was our first night out. We’ve been friends for a year but this is the first time we’ve gone out together and had an amazing time doing so. We ended up at her apartment and she changed into pajamas. They were kinda revealing, more than I ‘ve seen from her before. Did she want something to happen or just felt comfortable with me?

  1. Could been both. Jamjams are comfy but they’re pretty easy to get off too. I’m guessing you kept your hands to yourself?
    Did she ditch the undies when she put the PJs on?

  2. Hmm maybe it’s just a routine. I used to wear pyjamas growing up, now I’m just to lazy to be bothered with it.

  3. Eh, could mean both, could mean one of them, I mean if the girl changes her into her pj’s and they consist on a pair of trousers with a shit or a long ass gown then I guess she is in confidence.

    Now a braless shirt and some shorts those are some fuck me pj’s

  4. Bro what the hell

    Use some common sense, how would you expect anyone here to know wtf was on her mind?

  5. when i’m not certain in this type of situation, i always err on the side of not missing an opportunity.

  6. Honestly it could go either way. Probably just feels comfortable with you. She was drunk anyways. Probably didn’t even occur to her that it might be weird.

  7. Better to go for it and risk getting rejected than asking or not going for it and regretting not trying later

  8. ehhhh i hate when guys think i’m hinting at something i’m not don’t think too deep into it just ask

  9. I mean, I change into comfier clothes whenever I get home no matter who’s with me doesn’t mean I want you to make a move on me. I just want to be comfortable in my own place.

  10. Dude, forgetting the pyjamas , you ended up at her apartment after an ‘amazing time’! She didn’t have you over so she could go to sleep and kick you out… she changed because she felt comfortable with you and that was her way of sending signals… the same kind of signal as inviting you over at her place. Girls don’t go on dates with guys and bring them over if they aren’t interested!
    You aren’t going to be the weird guy for making a move in this situation, I know you don’t want to creep her but this is a girls way of making a move, you gotta do the rest !

  11. Pajamas means she’s tired and ready for you to leave. Something obscenely sexy means she would like to hook up. You got pajamas so you should have said good night

  12. Why don’t you just ask her? I think a great advantage of being friends beforehand is being able to talk about stuff with less/no awkwardness. It’s a good conversation to make sure you are on the same page as to how serious you both are as well, especially if you value your (old) friendship and don’t want to lose it, in case you’re not on the same page

  13. Not necessarily. You need to read the room. If she was yawning, changed into her pj, got a fluffy blanket and switched the tv on, I’d say no.

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