I just got out of a year long relationship, and I (M24) recently started talking with an acquaintance-friend (F22) from college, where we had a few interactions but nothing at all where I made a move. I suspected she might’ve been into more but never did anything about it. She’s moved to my city after graduation and we hit it off well over text, and she asked me to hang out/ was very enthusiastic about going out for a date. She asked me if I was free for a Thursday afternoon to go out to for an evening hike at a park or go out for drinks and see the town.

I didn’t have any availability for two weeks to see her, so I told her and she seemed alright with that, and I didn’t text her for a few days since there was nothing to talk about and get stale over. After a week I found that my schedule had a few openings when other plans were canceled. I told her that actually I was free next Thursday, which she told me , “I have work that day”, and I suggested that weekend, which she responded to “sorry i am busy next weekend ://”. I then just told her “let me know when you’re free”, to which she sent a “like” react on iMessage.

I am wondering if there is anything I can do to recover from the situation. Am I fucked with this girl? Is she testing me/ getting back at me for being uncommitted? I’d rather not make this mistake again.

  1. When she asked you out, you told her you were busy and didn’t try to work around your schedule to pin down a date. Then it was reinforced when you went cold after. I would think you weren’t interested and move on. People who are interested make time.

    In terms of her, the ball is in her court but I wouldn’t expect anything. Next time make concrete plans even if it’s relatively a short date or two weeks out.

  2. I keep reading ‘if you/she/he/they were interested, you/she/he/they would make time’. People, this is not how it works for some people. There are people who are fully booked in their very spare free time, and you also need me time to stay sane. You offered options, and she tuned them down. Sometimes your schedules also don’t match, and this can happen. She seems to have list her interest though

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