How do you avoid fights with other dudes?

  1. Usually by getting along with those around me. Same with avoiding fights with anyone. If it isn’t the case with someone, fon’t be around them. Stops any future fights right there.

  2. What kind of life do you live to actively avoid fights with other dudes?

    But my tactic is “Don’t be a dick”

  3. Avoid places where alcohol consumption is a norm – especially over consumption. Avoid places where groups of young men are hanging out and trying to impress one another. Beyond that, just a matter of learning to be an adult.

  4. Stand up for yourself and your values, people may have different opinions about the way you live but as long as you are not a destructive c*nt you do not need to be bothered by their opinions; if your values and opinions waver because of casual remarks it looks like you don’t think, like you don’t take the conversation seriously and you will abandon it all just to please the crowd. That being said, don’t act like you will avoid conflict at all costs, too much hesitation peeks malevonlent curiosity “He did not hold on to his opinion very long, I wonder how long he can remain his _pacifist_ stance if I push it.”

    And of course, looking like you are able to cause others some pain if they were to pick a fight with you adds to that.

    And it’s not particularly about winning. If other dudes conclude that they may be able to win but not without you leaving them in a bad stage, that is already enough to get rid of 99% of the possible fights. Mind you, violent women do not have that filter.

    Lastly, avoid the places notorious for violence because those attract others who look for trouble.

  5. By deescalating.

    BUT I understand that some dude are always out to fight. This helped me from time to time:

    Plus I have a mouthpiece in my edc. Dudes looking for trouble look real confused when you say „alright“ and put it in.

  6. I don’t know, I don’t hang out with wild beasts. People who are always ready to fight are this way because they can’t articulate sentences and they need to punch someone to prove they’re right.

  7. I’m pretty easy to get along with. Extremely non confrontational. I’m friendly with everyone I work with even though they all kinda have their own cliques that hate each other. I’m like a neutral npc in a video game.

  8. I stay out of crowded places at night, I avoid places where people drink to excess. Never been in a fight my entire life. Born 1981.

  9. By not being an asshole and not hanging around with assholes. That’s like 99.9% of avoiding fights.

  10. Sometimes a fight is unavoidable but if you find yourself in this situation often, there’s definitely something wrong. Could be you. Could be your friends. Could be the places you choose to go.

    In my adult life, I’ve only actually thrown punches once.

  11. Probably how the cyclist did it in the Ronnie Pickering video. He constantly diffused the situation while Ronnie tried to maintain anger.

  12. I welcome them, but don’t go out of my way to start them.

    I think I’m respectful to everyone.

  13. Don’t throw a punch. If you never swing back, then it isn’t a fight. It’s an assault.

    That said, I typically put my hands in my pockets when things get heated, for this exact reason. I’ll still put people on their backsides, but nobody can ever say I attacked them with the intent to do serious harm. Nobody ever died from a shoulder barge.

  14. I don’t do shit that could start fights with other dudes 99% of the time. And if I think a fight is about to happen, I remove myself from the situation if at all possible.

    It’s rare that fights go from 0-100% unless you are getting jumped in the hood.

  15. Never really been in a situation where a fight could become inevitable. Most confrontations I’ve gotten out of was due to “winning over the crowd” with humor, & fighting with words. Usually, if you get people to laugh or agree with you, the aggressor will leave you alone to save face, or walk away humiliated. There was a time I once won the guy himself over, by roasting him 😆

    Never really had do deal with intoxicated aggressors, because I tended to outright avoid being in those environments where they could be found. You can easily outwit a drunk, but can’t really reason with em.

    Other than that, I’d simply walk away. I never gave any fux about what people thought about me, so never felt compelled to validate my masculinity through the opinions of others… Plus, it just makes the aggressor look pathetic when everyone sees you’re the bigger person, by avoiding an altercation…

  16. I don’t really seek or avoid fights. I’m not afraid of getting hit, I had older brothers.

    But there’s a look someone has when they aren’t afraid of being hit, it’s a little unnerving. I usually just stand my ground and end up not needing to fight because of my museum quality RBF.

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