Steven Covey in his book,”7 habits of most effective people”..differentiated actions in two categories.

1) Circle of Concern- Things which you cannot change whatsoever. This consists of things which aren’t under your control. No matter what you do- you cannot change them.

2) Circle of Influence- Things those are under your control- which you can change.

He explains- you should always put efforts in things that you can change. The more efforts you put in your circle of influence the more your circle of concern will shrink and Vice- Versa.

In reality- you have no over your kids- nor your wife- nor your parents. Only thing you have complete control over is yourselves.

You can’t control what people think about you- so you should not care about it . People will think whatever they want..if they are in a good mood, they will think good. If they are in bad mood- they will discourage. You just live your way. People will follow.

1 comment
  1. Well in my life … those thinking led to actions against me ! So I had to care !

    People are free to think what ever they want … but they shouldn’t act based on it … ( physical or psychological )

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