Long story short, I got rejected in one of the weirdest way possible. So there is this girl that I like and asked out, we go out and when the time seemed right, I asked her if she had a boyfriend she said “no” I responded with ” do you want one ” and she said ” no” at this point I tried to keep my dignity intact and just started laughing a little, the next thing she said was ” wait , were you talking about you? “. As I said I was 100 %, defensive mod so I just confirm it with a joke ” no I was asking for that guy over there, “she got the message, but pretty much reaffirmed her original statement even if with some more hesitation this time. We actually kept on moving along and chatting, She starts asking about my previous crushes and what not, no awkward silence, about 20 minutes later we have to depart and then she just opens her arms to hug me. I take the hug and we go our separate ways. Let me be clear the rejection was clear, I don’t intend to pursue her any further, but I just want some advice to move forward.

1.was she so disinterested in me as a romantic parter that she didn’t get the question immediately?

2.was I to direct and scared her?

3. What the hell was that hug for? Do girl do this out of pity, to keep me in friendly terms. I’m not gonna lie I’m confused and want to move forward.

  1. I think you were too direct and scared her. Most girls don’t like being put on the spot like that. She may still be interested but yeah its better to leave it alone for now I think.

  2. Well in my experience, I would never just assume someone is into me. Not even if it seems obvious. She probably pretended to not get the question, so that it wouldn’t be awkward if it turned out to not be about you.

    I dont think you were too direct, you said you chose the right time to take her out.

    Lastly, I don’t just hug everyone. I don’t want to give trout false hope, but I wouldn’t just hug anyone. She could see you as a friend, but in my opinion she could see more than that.

    Lastly, if someone would ask me out, I wouldn’t say yes unless I am extremely hungry or into that person 🙂

    Good luck!!

  3. She likes you, lol.

    The hug clearly indicates she likes you. She would not hug “just a friemd” after such a conversation, or at most gave a half hearted hug.

    Thing is women in this day and age don’t immediately want to commit. They won’t say that they like you or that they want you as their bf. They want to build up to it. They want to go on dates and hug and kiss fir a few weeks and maybe even have sex and then call you their bf.

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