I’ve lost 70 lb so far and have another 70 to lose but I don’t know if I should ever bring it up or put it on my profile or anything.

On one hand people who meet me will still just see some fat guy and not know all the work i’ve put in this year, on the other hand they may feel awkward if I mention it?

I’ve thought about not dating until I lose it all but I’m just so lonely sometimes and I want to get more dating experience.

What do you think?

  1. You can mention it. If you’re hoping to meet fit women, they’ll want to know that you also exercise. 70 lb weight loss is pretty impressive even if you’re still overweight.

  2. You’re worthy of love and dating now, I think it boils down to how comfortable you are with the people you may be seeing. If people are going to see you as just a fat guy – then are they even worth your time?

  3. If you’re going to be honest, post dated photos of yourself from earlier (eg. 70 lbs heavier). There’s a fair chance you’ll gain it back (a near certainty if you’ve ever gone up and down in the past with your weight) and will return to being 70 lbs heavier, so they should be forewarned imo as to what they may be getting into.

    If they’re optimistic and hopeful you’ll retain your loss, fine. They can look forward to your continuing to lose weight, and staying that way for some time.

  4. I’d mention it. I’m very active and to me it would make me think you’d be up for those types of activities for dates, and it would also make you seem ambitious and hardworking if you have undertaken such a huge foal to get your health on track!

  5. I wouldn’t put it in the profile, but it does make a good conversation topic.
    Btw keep up the good work

  6. if it’s something you’re proud of and your reasons for losing weight reflect your values and intentions, it’s probably something other people will appreciate. is there some version of “I have an active lifestyle and enjoy doing x, and I value my health and wellness (70lbs lost so far!)” you would be comfortable using?

  7. I would mention it! I’ve lost all the weight that I wanted to lose, and if I saw that in a profile I would be happy that the guy is 1) working on himself, and 2) our lifestyles are probably compatible! It shows that you have willpower and goals. Also, since dating sites are heavy geared towards looks, if someone was thinking maybe no based on your current weight (not saying that your current looks or weight is bad!), they may give you a shot knowing that you may get closer in appearance to what they’re looking for. Everyone has preferences and that’s okay! Side note, congrats on the weight loss 🙂

  8. I wouldn’t. If you can lose 70 pounds, then you can gain that back. Congratulations on your hard work!

  9. Personally I would wait until you’ve lost it all. You’re going to find yourself in a brand new league and able to attract women you weren’t before.

  10. I wouldn’t bring up the weight stuff. It’s a lot to deal for you and it’s a lot to deal with for the other person. When you love yourself, others will love you as well, no matter the size. Much love man. ❤️❤️❤️❤️🏈

  11. I would put it on your profile. There are plenty of women trying to do the same thing, so you have something in common lifestyle-wise.

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