I met my fwb online. We’re kind of sort of in the courting stages of dating but we have a heavily sexual relationship. I like what we have, but I’m very big about sexual health. I don’t care if he’s dating other girls but fucking is a different story. Especially since condoms don’t protect from all stds.

We have great, explosive, creative passionate Sex. It’s not missionary (not judging) and done. I can tell he likes it. So is it wrong for me to expect monogamy in that sense or am I being out of line? I don’t usually do the fwb thing

For the record, we are also dating-ish. We’re both really really busy people. He has a kid (not with the bm) and I travel for living. We hang out when we can and it’s great, but a lot of times our schedule kind of just leaves us time for sexy time)

  1. You can ask him if he’s willing to be sexually exclusive for sexual health reasons and explain those concerns. It’s fine to have that as a boundary. You cannot force him, or get mad if he says no.

  2. Is it wrong for you to expect it without a conversation about being exclusive? Yes
    Is it ok for you to want it, and ask for it? Yes

  3. You can ask anything you want…and if you don’t, you’ll never get the thing you wanted.

    Insofar as it being ‘wrong’ that’s completely subjective. And a few lines in a forum absolutely doesn’t give randos who don’t know you or him enough insight into your situation to give good advice.

    Anyone saying 100% yes or no are simply full of it and/or projecting.

    Communicate with your friend and figure out what works or doesn’t in earnest.

  4. You can ask but shouldn’t expect. Not many people are truly monogamous and thank god for the folks that have managed to get comfortable with that fact and be honest about it

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