Met this guy a few weeks ago and he showed a lot of interest. After texting a few times he asked me on a date that was supposed to be last weekend. He was ready to buy tickets and everything until all of a sudden a family thing came up. He was very apologetic and said we should plan for next weekend (in 2 days) instead. I liked the message and that was that. There’s been no follow up since then and I’m wondering if I should send a text to confirm? This is a date he would need to get the tickets for in advance and he did genuinely seem very interested. Or should I just wait it out and take the silence as if he lost interest?

EDIT because I guess I didn’t explain very well:

He sent a paragraph explaining and apologizing, I said no problem have fun with your family, we can do next weekend. He says thank you for understanding, let’s plan on next Saturday. I like that message.

  1. It wasn’t family …some other chick came up … you would have heard from him by now if there wasn’t another around….move on

  2. The person who cancels is the one who should lead the reschedule. If they aren’t rescheduling, there’s your answer.

  3. ( 35 M ) I’ve had something similar happen to me a lot it seems like. While I’m very introverted, if I’m already talking to someone, I will make an effort to go out on dates and spend time with that person. I have worked my schedule around the date I had planned many times and had someone flake out. I would then attempt to reschedule for the same thing to happen. After a couple of different attempts to plan something, I would then tell them the ball is in their court and they can let me know when they where available and I would make it work. Typically if they hadn’t made an attempt to reschedule within 2 weeks, I would chalk it up to them no longer being interested. I would wait it out, if after (X) time you could try to reach out, but it would probably be safe to assume they are no longer interested.

  4. IMO you blew it. If he was no longer interested he wouldn’t have tried to reschedule. If I asked someone to reschedule because of a sudden family thing and all they did was like the message I would assume they were no longer interested and would move on myself.

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