I want to learn to Love and Respect my wife and daughter. I want to be a better person. I want to learn to listen and communicate effectively. I want to be the best me that I can be for them.

  1. This is going to be a really weird recommendation, but try giving [Cinema Therapy](https://www.youtube.com/c/CinemaTherapySolutions) on YouTube a good look. It’s a channel where a therapist and a filmmaker sit down and watch a movie and just talk through various aspects of the representation and themes shown and how they are or aren’t accurate portrayals of healthy people and relationships.

    It won’t relate directly to learning specifically what you’re talking about, but if you take the discussions to heart and make active changes (if you need them of course) to your mindset and approach to relationships then you will undoubtedly find that you begin developing the traits you are wanting to build without even trying.

  2. Shoutout to you for the willingness to be better. It may sound cliche, but I really suggest doing family therapy. It helps alot!

  3. What specifically are you doing wrong to want to change? What resources you need depends on that.. Are you being a pushover? Are you being too distant and selfish?

  4. This is awesome brother. Best advice is to start with loving and respecting yourself first and they will benefit. Give that same thing to you first. This path always works. You will do well. If you ever need someone to chat with on this journey, send a DM here.

  5. I would suggest telling this to your wife. Ask her how she would ideally like you to show up in your marriage, what she would like to change. Please don’t make the mistake of assuming what she wants now that you have decides to be a better partner. And for the love of God, FOLLOW THROUGH with changes you say you’re going to make.

    Recognition of your shit behavior, planned changes, mean nothing if there is not follow through. If it goes back to ‘status quo’; she may be even less inclined to trust your motivations.

    Good luck with your changes and I wish you both the best!

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