
  1. I’d say your husband needs some serious therapy. Or…you could run with it. Be the dom he’s looking for.

  2. I dont think any amount of therapy could save this. Younhave to ask yourself if you want to be with someone who is like that

  3. Thank you, everyone. My question is how can I legally bring this up in court? This was an account he saved to the laptop but his account. I have always found unexplained withdrawals and his phone is an android and has like a pretend account I don’t know how to describe it. His phone goes off vibrating but no notifications. I need more tangible proof.. I have two children with him and he has assaulted me in the past for trying to leave. I don’t think sexual deviations will grant me full custody but he is definitely not equipped to take care of our kids esp the one undergoing chemo. Please help me find a way to try and leave this time that guarantees me the children. He is the type to hurt them to hurt me. He goes missing all the time esp around holidays but he blames his alcoholism and cocaine addiction. I’m sure this has already gotten physical. This is embarrassing but I have gotten yeast infections and I NEVER get them. I’m sure it is STI’s at this point. I don’t know what to do. Every time I call the police the domestic assault gets dismissed because he uses our sons brain cancer as an excuse.

  4. I hate to say this but I’m not surprised. When I was doing online dating (how I met my husband) there were a ton of married men on there.

    Take screen shots so if he deletes anything you still have proof. Start looking for a lawyer and then take everything you can get.

  5. He’s an alcoholic who assaulted you, a cocaine addict and a cheater. Run! Get a lawyer and keep the kids. With his addictions you’ll get them.

  6. Get a lawyer. Screenshot everything you can. Give everything to your lawyer. Your lawyer will know how to enter exhibits in court, which exhibits are likely to sway your judge, what will help and hurt your case. Source: I am a family lawyer NOT your lawyer. No idea what jurisdiction you are in.

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