I’ve only had sex in a long term relationship, I guess when I got with my then partner I was twitterpated enough to think we would stay together and even get married. We did date for a few years after before it ended.

I’m just wondering if this is a common thing or not, but after I had sex with him sometimes I did get hit with this question inside me like ‘is this the only sex I’m ever gonna have?’, ‘do other people feel the same when you fuck?’, like that.

Is it common to feel this way after sex?

  1. I’m a dude. Had a lot of negative first experiences with sex. No matter what we did, always felt like I was just abusing my partner. Made me think sex just wasn’t for me.

    Used to think “this is it” this is what people act so insane about? Pfffft.

    Eventually got together with a size queen.

    Never wondered about sex with others or if that was “it” since. I feel like a little guy strapped onto a huge pleasure rocket I have very limited control of in this relationship (we’re both default aggressive). Been a pretty awesome 2+ decades.

    TLDR: Been pretty dope. But no, I don’t worry about my one person being “it”. Used to, till I clicked with someone.

  2. I’ve only felt that way in relationships where the sex was unsatisfying/we were sexually incompatible in some way(s).

  3. First off, twitterpated is in my top 5 favorite words of all time.

    I’ll use this analogy in that it is much more dangerous to be bitten by a baby rattle snake than it is an adult because the baby does not not how to control how much poison they use and they end up using too much.

    How this relates is when we are young we have so much love and emotion overflowing our mind and soul that we attach it all to one thing or one person, but when that person is gone it’s almost like our love and emotion went with them. Every time we have a though or feeling of love and emotion we are met with that empty or confused feeling.

    So, as we get older we learn how to control our love, or feelings, out emotions a lot better and we learn where, when, and who to guve them out to. So I’d say you experienced the feelings of “young love” and the concerns that go along with them. It’s fine, it’s normal, your just human like the rest of us.

  4. Never had emotionally and sexually fulfilling sex with a loving partner and then wondered “Is this all there is?” or any other despairing thoughts about this being my future sex life after marrying her.

    If someone expressed that thought to me, I would have to wonder if they need to up their sexual game or make sure their partners are upping their own.

  5. I did think this sometimes in my first relationships. I think I had a bit of FOMO just because i was inexerienced. Then again, we were also incompatible in other aspects and who knows if I would feel the same if I felt truly loved and in love.

  6. i was virgin when i got married. never have piv sex with exes although i did some sexual stuff. honestly i kinda crave my wife pussy. she’s vanilla, we don’t do any oral, fingering, anal. most sex just woman on top and missionary but i just cant get enough of her pussy. i even masturbate mostly to homemade porns of us when she’s riding me.

  7. Sometimes it crosses my mind, but it’s always out of excitement. I love him SO MUCH and I get only one penis in my lifetime??? And it’s his??? I count myself lucky that this sex is the only kind of sex I’ll ever have

  8. I felt that way in a previous relationship and I feel pretty bad that I often always thought about other people/what I was missing out on elsewhere because I was so unsatisfied & unhappy. It took me a long time to realise that that isn’t normal, and when I eventually met my partner after being single for a while the dynamic was completely different. We just bought a house together and I’m actually happy about having a domestic life with her and only having her as a partner. So yeah I think our brains only do this if things aren’t right for us in the relationship!

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