i’ve been going out a lot with some friends of a friend who’s just moved away from us. i haven’t known them too long, maybe a few weeks. we always went to a club to play a sport together but we’ve lately been hanging out at pubs and restaurants as well, and i can’t shake the feeling that i’m in these plans just because i’m around. i feel like i say too little and behave too awkwardly in general. how do i reassure myself that they actually like me or actually want me around? what are some usual signs that point to that?

1 comment
  1. When someone wants you around they will put an effort to do so ! But there are two reasons why people do that … 1) because they like you … 2) because they feel pity for you … !

    How to find out which one you are getting.

    Reject the effort they put … like dismiss it ! If they do it out of pity they will get angry but not show it !

    If they do it because they like you … they will tell you that your being an asshole to your face !

    Sounds very crude but … true ! How people respond to your rejection is how you find out their intension !

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