I’m 27, located in central Europe I had cystic acne since i was 16 years old, acne was cleared with Accutane (God bless for Accutane) but left me with moderate-severe acne scars (some are pretty deep) on my both cheeks with some fat loss. Temples and forehead are OK with no scarring. Had my first GF for 7 years (my scars didn’t bother her but she also did suffer from low self-esteem too), and sadly we had to split up. Now I’m single for 1,5 years, suffering from really low self-esteem, looking at my scars from different angles / taking pictures with a rear camera, scared from looking at elevator mirrors, tinted windows on a car, overhead lights because of that lightning my scars look even worse. I know I can seek acne scar treatments which I will, but my type of scarring is really hard to treat I did my research and read a lot about personal experiences from treatments (Reddit, Acne.org) that are not always successful or have minimal improvement and also expensive. I’m not a bad-looking guy “I think”, I always smell nice have a nice fragrance collection, have a good wardrobe, thick hair (I get a fresh cut every 2 weeks), have darker hair, blue eyes, 5’11 feet tall, slim body. People always tell me how good i am as a person, that they can trust me. But I know acne scars really lower my appearance / SMV, i know they say “chick dig scars”, but not scars from acne and on both cheeks :(. I’m scared of dating, honestly, scared of rejection because of my appearance I have read a lot of horror stories from [Acne.org](https://acne.org/), that people had been rejected because they have scars no matter how kind-hearted they are. I have a good and kind family and my parents and brother really don’t understand my struggles they say my scarring is not bad at all and I should not worry but I know my scarring is bad, and they say it because they don’t want to offend me. So how can I compensate, and be happy to find a future gf/wife? Open my own business? Join the gym and become bodybuilder? I know kinda a stupid idea and takes a long time to become one…Do acne scars really matter that much, and they can be a huge turn-off? Please no sugarcoating I need real answers, honest ones. Thank you for your time and honest answers. Have a good day.

  1. >So how can I compensate, and be happy to find a future gf/wife? Open my own business? Join the gym and become bodybuilder?

    Do not open a business or change your entire lifestyle to bodybuilding to get a gf.

    Instead, call the doctor who prescribed you acutane and ask if there’s anything you can do about the scarring. Pick up some over-the-counter scar cream from a local pharmacy (low cost, probably not super effective, but worth a try).

  2. My husband used to have terrible skin and has scarring and pores that get blackheads quite often. His eyes and smile are mesmerising though, so I noticed that way before seeing any skin stuff. His personality also majorly compensates for this – just a warm, funny, caring and honest guy! And that’s worth way more than the appearance of your skin.

    When the person is right and worth it, these cosmetic things just don’t matter!
    We’re also those gross kind of people that love pimple popping, so I will clear the pores in his face every few weeks. (He does clean his own face too – just every so often I go at it with a blackhead remover as well)

    If you told me this would be something I would freely and happily do five years ago, I would have called you crazy, but damned if love doesn’t change your views!

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