I’m just wondering from a guys perspective if he prefers a woman with a degree and career or would judge one who didn’t?

  1. Education/Career is a tertiary concern for men at best. It’s like when you buy something and the package is easier to open than you thought. That isn’t gonna get you to buy or not buy the product you needed, afterall, scissors exist. It’s just a neat little bonus that we don’t care much about. What men care about instead is attitude, chemistry/attraction, and being prioritized.

    In fact, when it is a concern, it’s usually a negative since statistically the better a career a woman has, the more likely her marriage is to end in divorce.

  2. Goals and career are way more important than a piece of paper.

    Would you rather date a guy with a Bachelors degree and no job, or a guy with no degree and a good career? A guy with a degree and no job or a guy with a degree and a career?

  3. Date em. What’s wrong with it. But the moment she needs to throw her college degree in your face as a badge of honor, leave her. Let her know that shit never mattered to you.

  4. I think it’s cool if women have a degree and a decent career, but such a woman would never date me because I lack both.

  5. As long as she loves me, has or is aiming to have a stable career, she could’ve graduated from clown college, Harvard, or not at all for all I care

  6. I don’t think you will find a general consensus on this. Just depends the person. Someone who is driven and career oriented might want a partner with the same values, or maybe they want a trophy wife. An uneducated person without a career may want a partner who is educated and successful for security or maybe they don’t because they don’t want to feel insecure. This is going to vary person to person. My wife and I are both college educated with our own careers.

  7. Formal education is helpful but the key is that she is smarter and more knowledgeable than me. I hate getting into an argument with an idiot. When she is smarter and I disagree, I just pause and realize I am an idiot compared to her and assume she must be right. Argument averted.

  8. I don’t date uneducated women. /s

    Really, as long as she is productive and responsible for her own dues, why not?

  9. Doesn’t matter, if they are in a field that they are comfortable and happy with that’s all I need.

  10. No preference—- you can be very successful without a degree…. or be useless with a degree! The 2 have very little correlation in the real world!!! Sure a degree will let you start a few rungs higher up the ladder, but ultimately work ethic and attitude are far bigger factors……

  11. A degree is a tool for gaining access to a profession and a level of general education. It is not the only path to either, nor does it guarantee either.

    I’m interested in whether they’ve achieved those results, not what tools they used to get them.

  12. Educated women tend to look for men equally or more educated than them as an arbitrary requirement. Meaning they look down on us for not having a degree. It’s usually tied to profession. I personally don’t see why I should desire a woman with a degree for a relationship. Idk what it’s supposed to contribute. All I care is that she can at least be somewhat self sufficient and financially responsible and not a total drag on me. It’s not important what kind of degree or job a woman has unless it will affect me, like a job with crazy hours or extensive travel requirements. Or unless she has an awesome job in something I’m interested in or with cool perks.

  13. It doesn’t matter to me if she has a degree or is without one. Just like how I don’t care if she makes 30k or 300k. I’m more focused on her beauty and personality. In general money doesn’t make me more attracted to a lady. I wouldn’t have a problem marrying a fast-food worker for example if we clicked.

  14. Doesn’t matter at all to me. If you have a way to make money with or without a degree then that’s fine

  15. No debt or manageable debt is preferred. It doesn’t take a college degree to be a good wife and mother, if your desire is to be a SAHM. An associates degree isn’t a bad idea. Even if you’re not mechanically inclined look into a trade school and develop a skill set. There are jobs out there that are lucrative and don’t require expensive 4yr degrees. Get the degree in night classes or later in life if it’s important to you.

    I used my G.I. Bill to get a degree in project and operations management and couldn’t get work in that field. I still had to take out college loans because the G.I. Bill only pays tuition and not the bills. I’ve been doing HVAC for 4 yrs. Paid off my college loans and making over $70k. Once I’m fully licensed I’ll be making even more.

  16. I don’t need her to have a degree, but she should at least be educated and curious enough about the world that she is a lifelong learner. Most of the women I have dated recently have had post graduate degrees. But there have been several who have lacked formal college education but who are, to my mind at least, highly educated, even though it was self educated.

  17. Degrees don’t matter. You can still get on a decent career path without a degree as a woman. Especially in our current socioeconomic situation.

  18. I think the guys with them, would probably prefer a girl with one while the guys without one would care less.

  19. As long as they can financially support themselves and have goals, I don’t particularly care what they do.

  20. It doesn’t matter to me – unless she’s one of those women who is stuck up about the fact that she is educated.

  21. It depends on circumstance. Number One on my list was *intellect*..I can tolerate just about anything as long a the person is *smart*. and although there are lots of really smart non degreed people, those that value intelligence typically nurture that by seeking college and beyond. So, the degree (As well as the school) tell a lot more about the person, as well as their life history and general values.

  22. Degrees don’t mean anything to me. It actually makes someone less attractive on many occasions because they have a false sense of ego.

    Give me a decent looking cashier at the local gas station that is fun to be around over some “boss chick” with her self-inflated sense of worth an entitlement any day.

  23. I think I differ from the majority as I would like someone who had at least had some higher education or technical training.

    I don’t judge but it’s something I’ve found I like in the women I’ve dated.

  24. I would want to be with someone with a similar background and goals. The girls I dated in high school/college (married one) were all driven and wanted to be successful in life. All of them went to college and have successful careers, that’s not to say non-degreed women can’t be driven, I would prefer my SO to be college educated.

  25. Slightly conflicted because I don’t really care that much tbh, but at the same time my future wife will likely be the bread winner considering I’m disabled and would rather be a house husband.

  26. its just a piece of paper.. my current gf and my ex didnt have degrees.

  27. This one is probably going to cause fire and brimstone to find down on me but I advised my sons to not develop relationships with the women at their universities.

    I told them that they would be happier finding a woman off campus with less education.

    Neither of them dated their student colleagues although made friends with many. They both have wonderful ladies in their lives now.

  28. There are solid people without college degrees; and there are dumb fucks with degrees

    And vice versa

  29. I’ve met allot of “educated people” that were dumb as shit. No common sense.

  30. I’d prefer a girl with a college degree, but not having one isn’t a dealbreaker.

  31. i prefer someone intelligent. the degree is meaningless in this regard. Most of them are anyway

  32. I prefer educated women but I’m currently dating a trade school girl and it’s been working well.

  33. I don’t care about it. I’m not saying the accomplishment is meaningless, if it’s something she wanted to do and succeeded then that’s awesome as fuck.

    But if she didn’t go to uni? It’s not something that will make me think “pass”

  34. Don’t care either way; I’d expect her to be able to sustain herself as I am able to sustain myself during the relationship.

  35. I prefer a woman who has higher education, but I’ve been thinking about it, and I don’t need to be with a woman who isn’t, so long as she’s attractive, intelligent, able to carry her weight in a relationship, and be a real person, I’ll be fine.

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