I was on the sidewalk and she pretended not to notice me. Then she messages hours later Which I haven’t answered in a week due to the disrespect considering Friends don’t do that.

What would you guys do?

  1. You sound like an idiot.

    You know she might have had something on her mind, so didn’t notice you. sounds like she’s much better off with you ignoring her.

  2. Did she apologize in the message?

    Are you sure she noticed you?
    When I hyper-fixate on what I’m doing i get pretty severe tunnel vision and don’t notice stuff – it’s not intentional, just a thing that happens, and I usually feel terrible once I’m aware of the slight.

    That said, if it was purposeful and she didn’t apologize, she’s not worth your time. If she doesn’t respect you, the least you can do is respect yourself.

  3. I’m not going to assume she pretended to not see me. Maybe she was miles away emotionally and didn’t actually see me.

    It sounds like there are games going on with this. It could be just you, or both of you. Either way, ask her if she was avoiding you in public when you saw her and see what she says. That’ll go a long way to determine what’s going on.

    Ask her, not us.

  4. You’ve never had tunnel vision while lost in your thoughts? It happens to women sometimes although less frequently than men.

  5. Did you actively try to engage her? I don’t know how many times in my life someone has said “you didn’t say hi at _________ the other day”.

    A) If I didn’t say anything I was unaware of their presence.

    B) If I wasn’t aware they were there they obviously made zero effort to say anything to me.

    C) If I see someone and they’re already in a conversation or interacting with someone, I’ll often just wait to talk to them later (even if I really want to talk to them) unless there is a good reason to interrupt.

  6. Yeah that’s pretty petty, you don’t know she saw you and if she did it might have been she didn’t recognize you

    Just leave jer alone you will just push her away again the next time you perceive a minor slight

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