What does the valedictorian from your high school do now?

  1. She got knocked up. And left college. Wasted thousands of dollars in grant and scholarship money.

  2. Yeah I don’t remember who that was, if I ever knew. My high school graduating class was over 1,000.

  3. Idk but **I pray to fucking christ they are doing okay.** There are always jokes about smart kids being depressed and I hope they are not in that situation. I pray they are successful and that nothing went wrong because we need people who are doing alright in this world to shine through the illusion that is how hopeless life can feel.

  4. He went to college, got a decent job, and got married.

    Source he’s me, valedictorian of homeschool high 2009.

  5. I’m a machinist. Failed out of engineering school. Answer questions on Reddit for imaginary internet points

  6. Saw her post wedding photos a few years ago, no idea what she does for a living but she seems to be doing alright.

  7. She works in finance. I had drinks with her last year because she’s friends with one of my good friends. She’s alright.

  8. lets face it- being valedictorian means sure youre reasonably intelligent but mostly a fastidious rule follower trying to please your parents so they will show you more love……

  9. I happen to know, even though I graduated in 2000.

    She’s a construction manager at a prominent university in the state of Illinois.

  10. I don’t have any idea. I’ll bet it’s something, though. He was a pretty cool guy. Tall Japanese kid.

  11. Got a chemical engineering doctorate, did their post-doc at Argonne National Laboratory, and is now a senior engineer somewhere.

  12. Hadn’t thought of him in 25 years but a quick google search tells me he’s the Chief Technology Officer for some airline passenger booking and cargo handling software developer.

  13. We had a male and female valedictorian.

    I cannot for the life of me remember who the girl was.

    Did a quick search for the guy and he graduated in civil engineering with a masters and seems to be doing good. 🙂

  14. He started partying a lot in his early 20s, went down the rabbit hole. Ended up with serious mental paranoia issues. In and out of prison. I hope he’s doing well, but I doubt it.

  15. Automation Engineer with a 6 figure salary and a gorgeous wife. Kind of a dick, but for some reason everyone loves him

  16. Still in my hometown. Dead weight at his family’s business. Not doing much with that degree from Stanford.

  17. I cant recall in my year, but the year after me, a friend had the highest GPA but she was not given that honor due to too many absences. Also, I think the school had learned she was stripping on the side and a delinquency record. This gal simply was a ridiculous genius and bored of school, and liked to party. She is now a PhD university professor in genetics and fronts a local band.

  18. I actually never thought about it until you mentioned it, we didn’t exactly run in the same crowds lol but looking it up, he works for the government, that sounds vague and ominous enough

  19. The last time I saw him he was making a speech to 666 of us fellow graduates back in 2012. Haven’t seen him since, but he was in my business class in my senior year.

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