I (14m) is in high school I have a crush on this girl (14f) we are lab partners and we are on the same team in gym. I want to write an anonymous love letter, I had and idea but it is cringe: Roses are red, Violets are blue, I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as you. As you can see I’m bad. I need help. A little bit of info about her, she is very sporty and is on the track team, she also loves science. Please help a guy out.

1 comment
  1. Well, you’re 14. That’s the age to try, err, and learn from those mistakes. But, if I may offer some insight:

    1. Don’t do it anonymously. At the end of the day, you want her to know you are the one, not anybody else.
    2. Skip the poem. Unless you can really pull cliché things off, go for authenticity. An *I always find your company pleasant* or *I could spend the day talking to you and still want more* may take you further.
    3. Skip the declaration altogether. If the goal is spending more time with her, why not aim for that instead? What exactly does she like about science? Use that as the perfect excuse to spend some time alone with her. Does she like stars? Tell her you’ve been wanting to go to an observatory, and ask her if she would like to tag along. Are fishes more of her thing? The aquarium, then. Maybe mixing stuff to see reactions? Make a list of interesting stuff to try at home and spend an afternoon with her. And even if she doesn’t accompany you to whatever you propose, do it anyway. You’ll have a lot of interesting stuff to tell her later, and maybe next time she’ll be more willing to go.
    4. If you feel some connection, don’t miss out on making a move. No need to go for the kiss as soon as you see her, but don’t put yourself in the friendzone. Make her subtly aware that you find her charming, and you’d be interested in being more than just friends. This actually gets easier the older you get, so I don’t think I can offer much help about how to do it; maybe telling her you can feel the jealous eyes of others looking at you for being on a date with such a cute girl? If she doesn’t correct you on calling it a date, and if she doesn’t seem uncomfortable (maybe just a little shy, but not embarassed or confused), that’s a win; give it a few minutes and offer your hand for her to hold – *since they’re already envious of me, let’s make them seethe* or something.
    5. The most important part: if it doesn’t work out, move on. If you really don’t want to be friends, don’t be friends; just be cordial acquaintances. Too many guys hang around the girl they like, and all they get is to see them dating other guys. Maybe she’s too young to consider dating, or she just doesn’t vibe with you – either way, it’s far easier to find someone who actually wants to date you than to try to convince someone who doesn’t. The world is full of interesting women; one of those is bound to find you interesting too.

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