I realized recently that I don’t really see this in other countries.



A gallery of Dutch windows

  1. I think this is pretty much the same in Germany, at least among the younger generations (< 60) in the bigger cities. Semi transparent curtains went out of fashion roughly thirty, fourty years ago according to my observations.

  2. Here where I live, nearly everyone lives in a flat.

    Practically all of them have blinds, and probably 98% of those people also have curtains inside the blinds.

    So the probabilities if seeing into someone’s apartment from outside are very, very slim!

  3. Hahahaha. When I read this title I honestly had no idea what this could be about.

    During corona lockdowns everybody placed a teddybear for the window so kids could go out and ‘hunt’ for teddybears xD

  4. That’s a very common thing over here as well and I didn’t realize that people weren’t doing it everywhere. We’re still more hung up on our semi-transparent curtains (some people say it’s because of our Catholic upbringing that incentivized people to hide what happens at home, whereas Dutch Calvinists are gung-ho about showing people that they are normal like everyone else), but those plants would normally sit between the window and the curtain so they still have sunlight.

  5. Practically inviting passers-by to peek into my home all day, any day? Lol, absolutely not. My apartment is the closest thing I have to a sacred space, I’d feel borderline violated having strangers just looking in at it whenever they please.

  6. Honestly, I briefly considered this to be a kinda satirical photo, because there is so FEW clutter on the windowsill … so yes, people (including me) do 😂😂.

    I even have „flower tables“, long but narrow metal/glass tables that fit directly under the windowsill, so I can put even MORE stuff (plants) onto the windowsill area.

  7. You do see it in Dublin, close to the city centre where people’s living room windows are right on the street, but it’s only maybe 10/20% of houses. There’s a concentration of it in the area i live right now, with some people doing seasonal displays. I really enjoy it, it’s so cute 🙂

    It’s not something i’ve noticed elsewhere in Ireland unless it’s a very religious house displaying a cross or virgin mary.

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