Just as the title says. I don’t feel much from sex or masturbation and I can’t get why.

I’m a transmasc individual, pre-T. I am easily aroused and this arousal is pretty normal. I feel easily excited too and I have a good sex drive. I don’t have bottom dysphoria. However whenever I try to touch myself (and in many ways) I don’t feel pleasure, or it’s like numb and very short. With my partner it’s a little better and they’re wonderful and they listen to me a lot, but whatever we both try, nothing or not much.

I have never had an orgasm. I think masturbation was better when I was younger but never too much. It’s just so weird and I feel pathetic and lame because I can’t even pleasure myself. I even feel jealous about, well honestly, pretty much everyone because they can feel that pleasure.

Anyone has a similar experience? Because most of the times when I see people posting about feeling nothing from sex they do feel pleasure while masturbating when I don’t.

1 comment
  1. I think you should go see a sex therapist. Because your clearly on the right path of trying every anything possible together with a wonderful partner. But a sex therapist will be able help you under the information you find as you explore and try new things sexually. I think this is going to be a long journey so can’t focus on any end goal. You just need to focus on enjoying the process and togetherness this brings to your relationship. The most important thing is to never give up no matter how hard it gets. Cause you do it’ll effect the rest of your relationship slowly over time. Because that’s how people wake up one day and realize that they haven’t had sex in 20 years. You’re all ready way headed of other people in similar situations because you already have an amazing partner who patient and ready to go on this journey with you.

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