So I told the guy I have a crush that I liked him twice.
The first time we kissed and spe t the night together bit the second time he said he didn’t see us that way.

I’m super confused about it. He’s still very nice and tlwe text some times a week.
Today I went to this event he had that was important to him( I haven’t seen him for some time) he was super sweet, kept asking me if I was alright and looking at me.

At some point I was chatting with this guy in one of the rooms of the exhibit and my crush appear saying o there you are and gifted me a heart stiker.( this might not me alot but my love lenguaje is gifting)
I tols.him I had to leave around 6 and he asked what happend at that time that I had to go just told him there was no traffic.

He has attitudes that make me think he likes me but then what he said isn’t the same.

I’m confused in what to do. I really like him.and he means alot to me, but I don’t know what to expect from him.

Should I step away? Should I saty friends??

1 comment
  1. I’d say he’s a friend who really cares about you, but he’s giving some very confusing signals after telling you he’s “just” a friend.

    Ask him why he gave you the heart sticker and see how he responds. If it was genuinely a friendly thing, ask him to be thoughtful with these gestures, because it’s confusing you.

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