Ignore the account I ran out of e-mails and I didn’t want my parents to find this post

So my gf [16F] and I [15M] have been in a loving relationship for almost 3 years, we’ve both promised each other to not have sex until marriage as we’re both neurodivergent (me much more so than her) and don’t want to forget an important step and then have to deal with the repercussions for life

We’re very committed, and we’ve both mutually agreed that unless one of us has a drastic behavioral change for the worse we’re going to see through till death,

Anyways, our families are both extremely Christian, my gf was taught the basics but never went any further, she just knows Penis + Vagina = Sex, I’ve browsed this sub a few times and I’m currently overcoming a porn addiction (2 weeks free!),

She wants to learn how to do it properly so that on our wedding night she can give me her absolute best, but I don’t know how to explain to her how it all works without demonstrating, she didn’t even know what oral was until last night

Last night I taught her a bit further than what she knew, namely she only knew Penetration, so I told her about Anal, Oral, HJs, etc, but I don’t know how to explain to her *how to do it* without actually doing it

She’s said that if I were giving her instructions the whole time she wouldn’t be satisfied, and I’m not sure I’d be able to follow through if that were the case

We both love each other dearly and we’re trying to figure this out, but it’s really difficult when I think I understand ok but she barely knows anything

The worst thing is that from my dreams and such I’ve learned that Oral seems to be what gets me going the quickest, though also I believe watching her experience the pleasure might be enough anyways

So please, give me some tips on this, also how to bring it up without it being an abrupt subject change

  1. Honey you’re young, y’all have time. I’m sure your girlfriend will learn more the older she gets. My husband and I were both virgins when we got married. I definitely knew more about sex then he did. But it’s something that comes naturally. You just figure it out. Of course if your both virgins, the first time won’t be the best sex of your life, but you have the rest of your life to figure it out. The best thing on the wedding night is to have no expectations and to be very open and communicate how you’re feeling and what you want. When you don’t feel pressure from each other to perform, it normally just happens especially if you’ve been waiting until you’re married.
    You don’t have to know everything right away either. You figure it out as you go and learn each other’s preferences.

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