I (23m) went on a date with this girl and it was really nice, we had a great time talking and laughing, but I was constantly distracted by her bad breath, it was really bothering me. Now I feel bad ’cause I really liked her but I don’t want to have another experience like that and I feel unmotivated to go on another date. I can’t just tell her about her breath, what can I do in order to try and make this work?

  1. Had this once. I played that I was obsessed with mint flavor. I would eat mint ice cream, always have mints, go for minty chap stick. So she started wearing minty scented lotion and minty lip gloss. She also made sure her breath was always spot on. She thought she was doing it because I liked mint, but really I was just trying to get away from breath stank.

  2. All of this stuff with the mints and gum is just covering up the problem, not solving it. She probably needs her teeth cleaned at the dentist. Its probably plaque, which is the worst smell ever, and a dumpable offense this early in.

  3. She might have tonsil stones which there is really nothing to do about except surgery. I’d probably try to make a joke or something like “is that my breath or yours?”. Maybe give her a chance to spend the night at your place and have a toothbrush ready to offer her to see what her oral hygiene routine looks like.

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