Ever since I mentioned liking a guy my friend has made more of a deal about how much he talks to her in class.. am I reading too much into that? So since we have been in this class I have noticed several times that when I look up I lock eyes with a guy. I have the lowest confidence ever so I didn’t think anything about it, after all I don’t see anything special about me. Well it’s has happened a lot and I brought it up to my friend to which she said she noticed he is looking at me sometimes. Fast forward a couple weeks later. She now proceeds to say how he is always near her and another girl and is really comfortable with them. So i figured oh well, I was crazy cause he is like this with everyone. Well today he comes over when I’m alone and asks me random questions, unprompted. I got nervous and he smiled and asked why I get so nervous? Very short conversation but it left me once again wondering if I’m not crazy and he is at minimum thinking I’m at least somewhat attractive. Well I mention how I got so nervous cause he came over to talk to me to her at lunch. Later in the day she told me how he did the same thing to her and stood right next to her basically with his crotch in her face. So here I am again like okay. I’m nuts. But I also think I’m done mentioning anything to her cause it makes me feel like she is jealous or something. It’s not like she wants him but is used to the attention. But I could be wrong and just needed to vent! I’m an overthinker lol 😅

1 comment
  1. Yeah I would stop giving updates to your friend. Some girls will immediately go in competition mode whenever they hear a guy likes someone sadly 🙁

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