What would be your response if you were dating a woman and you found out she was bulimic?

  1. 1) learn a little more about the disease

    2) cost-benifit analysis. Is this a deal breaker?

    3) If the relationship is worth it, provide all reasonable help.

  2. I’m not sure. Is it too intrusive to ask if she knows what causes her to be that way?

    I ask this as someone who’s struggled with occasional binge/purge episodes, but is honestly cool if nobody wants to talk about them

  3. Offer help and if she’s willing to do something about I’ll see what happens. Otherwise I’d say uh oh.

  4. I’m not sure, but I feel like most females go through some stage of an eating disorder at some time in their lives. Most just don’t talk about it.

  5. Encourage her to get professional help with it and look up resources about what I can do (if anything) to help.

  6. Try to help her out of it. I may not stay in the relationship, but I’m a goddamn softy that can’t just cut my losses and be like “well good luck with that, I’m out”

  7. My best friend has a girlfriend who is and when I see how much money is wasted on food and the amount of stress my friend has from it and would say no. Unless she actively wants to take steps to overcome it.
    I worry for my friends mental state.

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