Last weekend, I went to a party off campus and ended up going back to a guy’s apartment with him. When we got to his place, we started making out and things started progressing. I was wearing spanks with a locked waist underneath my skirt, so he couldn’t pull them off. He tried to pull them off, but noticed that he couldn’t and asked if we could have sex. I told him that I wasn’t ready cause I just met him that night.

We then went on to have outercourse for a while and he asked if I would take off my spanks. I did. We continued to have outercourse. I can’t fully remember, but I believe I reiterated not wanting to have sex. After a few minutes of outercourse, he reached down and used his hand to guide his dick as he rubbed it up and down my vagina. He asked if that was okay and I said yes but to be careful. He did this for a little bit and then started applying some pressure so that it would go inside me just a little every time he run it up or down my vagina. He probably did that 10-15 times before I finally just said “go get a condom.”

We had sex and it was fine, but I felt kind of pressured by it cause it was going inside of me. I think he would’ve stopped if I said no, but I felt like I just had to have sex cause he was pressing for sex.

  1. You should feel uncomfortable and he should have stopped pressing for sex when you said no. He kept pressuring you till you finally gave in but he did violate you when he started rubbing, till he finally pushed in a little.

  2. You,got his motor running,so there was no turning back,why go that far,if you were so undecided about it?Most sex is putting penises into vaginas,should lighten up and live for the moment,and relish the time

  3. go get condom. thats the green light for him. if you dont want it, you should just say no.

    it’s better to say no if you’re not comfortable rather than agreeing to have sex because you’re worried about what he’s going to think.

  4. I think it was bad from his side trying to pressure (not sure it can be called that) you.bad as well that you didn’t say no, even before outercourse. After all the way from outercourse to intercourse isnt very long.

    He probably thought because you went this far with him and he was aroused you would go on.
    Response with “go get a condom” instead of no, next time you can tell no👀

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