19(M) here.
So I have social anxiety which makes me overthink every situation and one of them is initiating a conversation.

I love learning and I spend much of my time studying and helping other people with their homework, especially math, since people hate it.
Of course I also enjoy doing other things, but most of my time goes towards studying and helping.
Most people arent the biggest fans of studying and people I know usually watch movies, game, party, etc.

I feel like I dont have anything to bring to a conversation that they will enjoy, so I almost never have a purpose/topic to talk to friends, because I dont want to make them bored.

This haunts me, because its always other people initiating with me, like its only a 1 way relationship. If this keeps up, I might be all alone at some point.

When talking to friends, what’s important for you? Does there even need to be a purpose? Maybe not, but I dont know what to say and my mind becomes empty.
I’m probably also overthinking it as I can get bored really quickly.

I also feel like discord and whatsapp makes it so easy to talk to irl friends EVERY DAY online that I dont even know what to say, like, everything has been said and we dont have to check up on each other every other hour?

I’m not reallly sure what I want from this post, maybe its just to express my worries, that my last few friends might ditch me some time in the future without me being capable enough to make new ones.

Would be curious to know about what people here value in relationships, mainly, the conversational part. Would also be helpful to see the difference between genders, so I can try to adapt to all people I know and maybe be less afraid.

Anyway, for the people who read this, thank you.

1 comment
  1. Just let the conversation flow naturally. A crucial thing when having a conversation is to speak but also listen to what the person is saying. That will then help you decide what is appropriate to say next. Try not to overthink and you should be fine. Sometimes I feel like a bit how you described you are not the only one ahah.

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