For those of us who don’t have one 🙂

  1. Put yourself first always. Be selfish with your time & energy. People come & go so don’t waste it chasing mediocre folks. Focus on ur education/career or whatever passions you have!!

  2. As annoying and hard they can be, studies are your biggest asset. Don’t neglect your education. Boys (or girls) come and go, never allow them to make you miserable or be a distraction from your studies. Chose your friends wisely, just because they’re childhood friends doesn’t mean they’re good friends. GO TO THE OBGYN. Pleeease girls, don’t be ashamed or scared, they see thousands of women every year. Get your boobies checked, and STD tests on the regular. Don’t trust a man that refuses to wear condoms and run away. A baby or an STD is NOT worth it. Oh and wear sunscreen.

  3. Never be afraid to stand up for yourself, even when you’re surrounded by morons who hate you. Never let anyone tell you you’re not good enough.

  4. Start saving as soon as possible, and have at least 3 months of expenses saved for a rainy day. I understand that it’s not possible for everyone, but at least a month worth of saving would help out should you lose your job in the future.

  5. Choose your friends well. Choose people who are caring and want well for you (and be like that to them). Avoid forming close friendships people who have dangerous or problematic lifestyles, those or side effects from those can spread and affect your life.

  6. Claim your space, physically, intellectually, and emotionally. Don’t take up less physical space, minimize your intelligence and curiosity, or hide or de-prioritize your emotions and mental well-being. You are every bit worthy of that space as the next person and you should never make yourself smaller in any way to make others feel more comfortable or important.

  7. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Your job shouldn’t be who you are. Go on dates, have a hobby that gets you out of your house, find your exercise bliss and do it regularly. Be nice to your family, but also remember they have lives and aren’t just waiting to do your bidding.

    Also, love yourself because I love you and I want you to be happy. And you know I’ll come after anyone who is making you unhappy.

  8. People are gonna make you feel bad for healthy boundaries, don’t budge a bit. If they can’t respect your comfort, they don’t respect you.

  9. You don’t have to commit to something forever if your heart is not in it anymore. You are allowed to change your mind and do what makes you happy.

  10. Always speak up for yourself and voice your concerns. Being treated like a doormat is pretty shitty and it doesn’t have to be that way

  11. 1. Saving is important, even just start by putting $5-$20 a month into a brokerage account. Start now.

    2. Find a good group of girls friends, even if its just one or two gals. Lovers come and go, but (good) friends stay for life.

    3. Stand up for yourself and your loved ones, even if it’s uncomfortable.

    4. This one’s hard, cause some people are really good at manipulating, but don’t let your partner control you or change who you are.

    5. Also, love yourself first before trying to love someone else.

    6. Find a good skin care routine that works for you. Same goes for hair.

    7. Step out of your comfort zone and try new things. You won’t regret it.

    8. Don’t drink too much. Your body will thank you.

    9. Have two sets of bed sheets that way you can change your sheets weekly.

    10. Learn to enjoy your own company.

  12. Read The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker at least once a year.

    Learn practical self defense like Krav Maga and BJJ.

    Get Buddy Bars for your doors, adjust them properly, and use them religiously.

    Learn the basics about cars, including a high level understanding of how the engine works, what the transmission does, and basic maintenance.

    Understand how health insurance works & what the differences are between a copay, deductible, and coinsurance. Also understand the difference between in-network and out of network providers and how it affects your financial liability.

  13. Friends come and go so don’t hold on to people who make you feel bad. You can’t save someone who doesn’t want to change

  14. Don’t put a tampon in straight, it isn’t straight down there (no pun intended)

    Put it in at an angle (Right works for me) and trust me it feels a lot better than struggling.

  15. Don’t be afraid of a razor, I remember my first time shaving my legs I was so afraid of going over an area a few times in case I cut myself. You don’t have to apply a lot of pressure but the Razor isn’t going to attack you, it does what you move it to do. Shaving cream helps, mostly to show places you’ve already done. Just know that if you think that you are done, you will get out of the bathroom and find “oops”

    Not sure if it’s just my legs but apparently there are alot of blonde hairs. You don’t see those when you are getting the black hairs.

  16. Know your boundaries (ie what you will and will not put up with) and don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself. Be kind to others, but not a doormat. Be careful of people that try to coerce you into doing things you’re not comfortable with doing without good reason (ie they don’t respect your boundaries).

    Trust yourself. Take care of your mind and body. All things in moderation. Exercise. Wear sunscreen. Learn to communicate and how to read between the lines. Never leave your drink unattended if you’re out at a club/party/whatever.

    Learn to love yourself – your smarts, your hobbies, your achievements, your body, just you. Learn what your heart is capable of being and how to nourish it.

    And try have fun with it all. 🙂

  17. Always ask for an age when talking to someone online, you will find that a lot of your online besties are actually 48 years old groomers

  18. Sexual acts with him wont make him love you. And it wont keep him. And babies NEVER save a relationship or marriage thats on the rocks.

    And once they start yelling and hitting and controlling, theyre never going to stop. Itll only get worse so get out after the first time it happens.

    Youre NEVER trapped in an abusive relationship. There is always a way out if youre brave enough to take it

  19. advocate for yourself: in career, healthcare, relationships. be your biggest cheerleader. start now 💜

  20. **BE SELFISH.** It’s okay to care about ppl who loves u and around u but sometimes you’ve to think about yourself more and no, it’s not rude.

  21. Fuck the voice in your head that says you can’t, shouldn’t, aren’t good enough to do what ever you’re curios to do. You have the right to try, carry on or leave it if it wasn’t for you!

  22. You can leave a relationship for any reason at any time. You do not need to wait until it’s “bad enough.”

  23. Don’t beg for affection. its better to be alone than lonely ina relationship.


    And, take care of your career.

  24. Learning to say ‘No’ is the biggest self-esteem booster there is.

    It is also one o the scariest things to do.

  25. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you are totally reliant on another person for everything, even if you are totally in love. It creates inequity and can make you vulnerable to abuse. This can be tricky when you have kids because you might not be able to work for a while but you should have a plan.

    Also, every time you start a new job, no matter how experienced or qualified you are, in your third or fourth week you will make a mistake and be 100% sure they will sack you. It just happens. Breathe through it. You will be fine.

  26. my sister always has to tell me something that goes like

    “why the fuck are you awake, you’re not going to miss anything, you will miss more time sleeping and being miserable than you will being awake at 4am “

  27. Get out of your city/town at least for a bit. Explore what’s out there. Also, vaginal discharge is normal.

  28. Really focus on your studies because your homework will take half the time than if you hate it and dawdle. Don’t diet and don’t worry about your weight! Just enjoy your life, eat healthy food, drink lots of water and find activities you love. You’ll make friends, you’ll burn calories and you’ll be fit. Plus you’ll have 70% more brain energy left for other things without being obsessed with diets and weight. Also once you find activities you love, you’ll always have a tribe somewhere of others who love those things too for those isolating times in your life after a breakup, after you have a baby or maybe after moving to a new city, where you can connect with strangers who also love what you love.

  29. Don’t get rid of a pet for a person you’re dating. The pet will be there for you through anything, the boyfriend/girlfriend probably won’t.

  30. If you are uncertain on how to dress, don’t know what looks good in you and what doesn’t, go simple. Jeans (or basic pants of other fabrics) and simple color shirts (black, white, blue), no print or discreet prints.

    Explore outside simple, but have the simple choices for the ocasions you just wanna look ok.

    I used to inherited my sister clothes and were uniform in high school, so when I went to college I just didn’t knew what look good in me and what didn’t, I made some weird choices at the time, and that’s ok, but considering that my money was very limited I wish I just had bought some cheap simple shirts and some ok jeans to start with. Today I know a lot of styles that look good on me, but took a while to have that knogledge, and I keep finding out new stuff.

  31. Do not make another person the centre of your world. You are a whole person all by yourself. Nuture what you bring to the table, chase those dreams, focus on your physical an mental well being. Love is amazing an it’s all around you in your family, your friends an most importantly yourself.
    If you don’t love you how is anyone else supposed too?
    Remind yourself daily that you are beautiful, you can achieve whatever you put your mind to, hard work equals success and you are capable of all that and more! .. focus on you! 🤍🌟

  32. Don’t feel guilty about breaking up with someone. You can be an asshole for how you do it, but ending a relationship is not an asshole move in itself.

  33. Never lie to the doctor.
    Set boundaries.
    Be yourself- Knowing who you are is the hottest thing out there.
    People you can’t be you around are not your people.
    No reason to force people and/or things that aren’t making your life better in some way.

  34. A lot of outer voices in the world will try to prey upon your mind to manipulate you. Develop an inner voice that guards you from fear and isolation. Be your own best support.

    Think about why you do what you do in a day. Know exactly why you are doing something. ‘Because I always have’ or ‘because it is expected’ aren’t good answers.

  35. Open a Roth IRA as soon as you possibly can. Not just that – work hard to be able to open one, don’t just wait until you have the money.

    When you’re going through something difficult, and you’re finding it hard to pull it together, just take the first step of taking a shower, making your hair presentable, and getting dressed. Don’t worry about what comes next until these first steps are over. Once they’re completed, you’ll figure out what you have to do next.

  36. Get a proper education. Don’t have a kid too young. Don’t let a guy disrespect you

  37. “No matter how far wrong you’ve gone, you can always turn around.”

    Post secret card that helped me end a marriage that wasn’t working.

    My take on it — Don’t let sunk costs keep you from doing the best thing for yourself. Turn around, start walking in the right direction again, and eventually you’ll be in a better place. Even if at first it just feels like you’re just retracing your old steps, at least you’re no longer getting farther and farther from where you should be.

  38. When washing your hair, don’t just slap the conditioner on and leave it – really massage it into the ends of your hair before rinsing out.

  39. Don’t go to college as your default.

    If you have something specific you want to do that requires a college degree, then go get that degree.

    But DONT GO INTO DEBT thinking “oh well I’ll just figure out what to do once im there.”

    There are SO many jobs that only require a high school degree and maybe a training program certificate. And jobs that can pay really well too:

    -fire fighter
    -car salesman
    -real estate agent
    -911 dispatcher
    -sanitation worker
    -personal trainer
    -nutrition consultant
    -court stenographer

    And never forget that being your own boss doesn’t even require a high school degree. The best resource out there is SCORE. Go find their website. SCORE it stands for service corps of retired executives. Literally a group of kind grandmas and grampas who got rich from their own businesses. And now they’re retired and they volunteer to give you free business advice and mentoring. They will walk you through everything step by step.

    Everyone has their million dollar idea so never underestimate yourself.

  40. Since we’re told we can be anything we want to be when we grow up, there’s a weird pressure to find the perfect career that is your passion. It’s perfectly fine, maybe even preferable, to find your joys and passion outside of work. Find a job that you like well enough that most of the days you’re content to be there, then have fun outside of it.

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