I(F28) have been in a relationship wirh my partner (M28) for almost 9 yrs. We have always talked about getting married and not have a traditional wedding just me and him. But his mother insists of having a traditional wedding because of their culture and because he is fhe first son they want to do a big wedding. I’m not okay with this and i feel like she puts too much pressure on my boyfriend. Sometimes I feel he doesnt want to marry me like we said we would to not dissapoint his mother. I’m really fed up with his mother trying to control our lives. Any advice how can I approach this situation and her.

TL;DR Boyfriends mother wants to be controlling and wants us to do what she says and have a wedding of her choice.

1 comment
  1. In some cultures family pressure takes precedence. Perhaps your boyfriend of 9 years can offer insight into how to approach his mother. Do you meet with her privately or does it have come from the boyfriend for example.

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