I got blocked by a girl I’ve had a crush on and have been talking to for a long time. She’s the only girl I’ve kissed in the last ten years. We were never even together, it shouldn’t be a big deal but I feel devastated.

She was upfront from the beginning that she doesn’t want a relationship and I thought I would be cool with something casual, but I was not cool at all. I confessed my feelings to her repeatedly and ended up treating her like she was a bad person for not wanting me the same way.

I talked to her every day for months, before that I didn’t have any friends for years. I got used to being able to turn to her and open up about my problems.

I know it’s probably for the best that we part ways but I feel so pathetic and mad at myself and hurt and lonely and hopeless right now.

I could really use some help and support in moving on.

  1. this gives off nice guy energy i dont want to give you the idea that its okay to guilt trip someone into a relationship after you both agreed to a FWB situation kinda scummy BUT that doesn’t mean that your a bad person; go talk to her and apologize about how you acted she might not be comfortable being friends with you but that shouldnt be why you apologize. Apologize because what you did was shitty. Even if she IS comfortable with it going back to the way it was DON’T go back to being FWB with this person it could lead to the same situation again.

    TL;DR Apologize Not because you expect anything in return or even to save a friendship but because you acted wrong and its the right thing to do

    Edit: fixed all apologies To apologize.

  2. Stop being so down on yourself bro.

    See a dermatologist which I’m sure you probably already have. Get that in check.

    Need to love yourself man. get in the gym get in better shape boost your ego. Start talking to girls politely just to get comfortable with it and used to rejection, the less you care about the rejection the better you’ll end up doing (we all get shot down a lot it’s normal.)

  3. It’s perfectly rational to be feeling like that. You got attached to her and it makes sense why you did. I can relate with what you said abt the acne thing. I know how it is it’s like you’re living life for the first time again after getting clear, so keep taking baby steps and talking to different girls/new ppl if you have to. Having acne is kind of like an onion bc once u get to the point of being clear, there’s the next layer of fixing self esteem and social skills and Ik it can be a longg journey for some of us.. Good luck and congrats on the clear skin 🙏

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