I live in italy and elementary to high school, here school finishes at around 1 but this made me ask, where does school finish for you?

  1. Around 3pm, give or take half an hour. For instance, my 7 year old starts at 8.50am and finishes at 3.25pm. My 14 year old starts at 8.30am and finishes at 3pm (used to be 2.45pm but they extended it to make up for time lost during Covid)

  2. Elementary school at 12. The regular secondary school end was at 1, but depending on the grade we’d have afternoon lessons 1-3 times a week from anywhere between 2-5.

  3. It depends how many classes you have each day. When I was in high school I could finish classes after 14, after 15, but sometimes even after 13 or 12. And school usually starts at 8.

  4. School starts at 9:00 and ends at 14:00

    High school starts at 8:30 and ends at 15:00

  5. Depends. Typically start is 8 am. Elementary kids can finish between 11-13:30 (you finish early in early grades and the older you get the more time you can spend at school). But even the highest elementary school grade will not finish consistently at the latest time and they may have a day when they finish at 11 and a day when they finish at 12.

    In high school it varies as well. In my high school I consistently finished at 14 for 2 years and in my last year I could finish between 12-14 because I had less classes.

  6. In France:
    In elementary it’s from 8 am to 4 pm.
    In middle school it’s from 8 pm to 5 pm with variations during the week or between schools.
    And high school is about the same as middle school but can go to 6 pm and with more hour overall.

  7. In high school, we had our first class at 8 AM and the last usually ended at 3 PM, but for my school in particular, we had extra PE once a week after classes, those ended between 4:30 and 5 PM, depending on the teacher.

    Elementary and high schools need to provide 5 PE classes a week, but only 3 are obligatory for registered student athletes, so some schools only plan 3 classes into the regular time table and the rest can be before or after regular classes, some schools organize hiking groups once a month so you can do the 8 PE classes in a relaxed full-day hike… Mine went for the after classes arrangement.

  8. If I remember correctly it was like this:

    Elementary school was 8.30-16.30 (Mon-Fri)

    Middle school was 8.30-16.30 (Mon, Wed, Thu) and 8.30-13.30 (Tue-Fri)

    High school was 8.15-13.30 (Mon-Fri) and 8.15-12.30 (Sat)

  9. It depends on which year you are:

    – 1st year of primary: 8.00 – 11.35
    – 5th year of primary: 8.00 – 12.25
    – 9th year of primary: mostly until 12.25 or 13.15, I remember finishing at 11.35 on fridays. Still you would start at 8.00.

    – secondary school: It was messier schedule, especially in the last year. You could start at 7:10, 8:00 or 8:50 and finish anytime between 11:50 and 15:15. In the last few weeks of the last year I even finished at 10:25 on fridays.

    – University: I wont talk much about it because the schedules are just flipping weird. You could end up with having the first lesson at 8.00 and the last one at 20:00 with two three-hour breaks somewhere in between.

    Also, the schedules are different for different schools, so it can always be 15-20 minutes either way.

  10. Dunno about elementary school anymore, because there have been some reforms, but my day usually ended around 13. High school is usually around 15. University is kinda all over the place. Sometimes you can have a single class from 11-12, other times you have almost a full day, etc

  11. This depends greatly on the school.
    While elemetary schools have basically the same timetables nationally, start at 8:30 and end at 16:30, the timetables of middle and high schools vary greatly from one institute to the other due to a varying number of factors.

    The vast majority of middle and high schools start at 8:00/8:30 (with some opening 5 or 10 minutes before) but end at different hours, tipically around 13:00/14:00, while those schools with afternoon classes typically end around 16:00/16:30 (2 afternoon hours).

  12. At either 15-16 or 17-18. In Ireland you do two formal state exams in secondary schooling. The Junior Cert and the Leaving Cert. You can technically finish schooling after the JC but it is exceedingly rare nowadays as most people go on to do a 4 year university degree

  13. Depends.

    Elementary school usually started at 8-10 and finished at around 12-14.45, Usually 13.00. 45 minute classes.

    “Middle School” usually started at 8.15 and ended at 14.00 or 14.45 but there were shorter days. 45 minute classes

    “High School” is anywhere from 8.15 to 15.55 but usually 14.30. Classes last 75 minutes.

  14. From daycare until middle school, school ends at 3 (except on Wednesday when it stops around 12).

    High school ends at 3:30 or 4 depending on the school you go to, but ends at 4:30 if you’re an art student (they have 4 extra hours every week) Wednesday still ends around 12.

  15. It varies throughout the country, even withing different schools in the same town/city/area, and some schools have different finishing times on different days.

    In my case primary school was 0900-1515 (finishing at 1445 for the first couple of months of the first year), and high school was 0855-1535.

  16. It varies a lot.

    For me during the 90s:
    Primary school finished at either 12.30, 13.30 or 14.30. The earlier times for the earlier years.
    For secondary school we started at 9 and finished at 16.45, except Fridays where we finished at 16.00.

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